Living Without Money: 12 Useful Tips That Actually Work | Wildchildretire

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Tight on funds, or maybe you just had enough with “The Man” and want to know if it’s possible to have a life without money?

Well, we’ve got good news for you, IT IS!

Here we’ll share 12 useful tips to show you how to live without money.

We’re talking about maybe becoming a live-in maid, a Buddhist, or perhaps just living in a shared living community.

Let’s dive right in.

How To Live Without Money

man with empty pockets living without money

1. Trade Your Living Quarters For Necessities

So like house hacking on steroids.

“What’s house hacking?”

House hacking is where you have a duplex, for example, and you rent out the other side, and it totals the amount of your mortgage.

But I’m talking about sharing your home, letting other people live there but having them pay for all of life’s necessities in trade.

So food, transportation, cellphone use, etc.

This is a great way to get what you need without using money.

“But where does one find a person to do that?”

Craigslist or Reddit can be an excellent place to start.

The options are endless here, so get creative!

2. Join A Shared Living Community

A great way to live as a moneyless man or woman is to join a shared living community.

Shared living communities are becoming more and more popular as people are looking for ways to reduce their cost of living.

In a shared living community, residents share common areas, such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.

This means that you will have less need for your personal belongings and can save money on rent, utilities, and groceries.

Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends!

(Oh, you can use to find some co-ops near you.)

3. Be A Handyman (Or Handywoman)

handy woman with a wrench showing how that if your fix your own stuff you can make living without money possible

Living without money is a cakewalk if you’re good with your hands.

This could be anything from mowing lawns to fixing leaks to painting houses.

Ahh, yes…the good ole barter system…

And if you don’t have the skills and are looking to be a handyman, you can use Skillshare to learn the skills of a handyman…

And you can use to help you become officially certified.

People are always in need of handymen (or women), so this is a great way to get essentials like food, water, shelter, and clothing without using money.

Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people and help out your community!

4. Live Off The Grid

If you’re looking to live without cash (or maybe even a way to enjoy retirement), you can always try living off the grid.

This means you could grow your own or find wild food, catch your own fish, and hunt your own game.

Of course, this takes a lot of time and effort, but it is possible to do if you’re committed to living without any money.

Plus, it’s a great way to get back in touch with nature!

5. Hitchhike

person hitchhiking

Hitchhiking is a great way to travel without spending any money.

And the more you do it, the more you might be able to barter your worldly knowledge with the individual providing the ride.

Of course, it’s not for everyone, but if you’re willing to put yourself out there, you can hitchhike your way around the world!

There are many websites and forums where you can find a community of people willing to give you a ride (for free!).

Just make sure you’re hitchhiking with someone you trust, and let someone know where you’re going!

6. Learn To Skip (Dumpster Diving)

dumpster with trash showing how that if you dumpster dive you can make living without money possible

If you’re committed to living without cash, you can learn to skip (dumpster dive).

(Or, an environmental custodian is what I like to call it. 😁)

You exchange your time going through the local communities’ waste to find food, clothes, and other necessities.

This is a very interesting choice of life for many people, but, if committed, you can find everything you need without spending a penny.

Just be sure to practice good hygiene and respect people’s property!

7. Volunteer

One great way to see the world with zero dollars to your name is to volunteer with Helpstay.

You can find host locations in pretty much every country, and stays can last from a couple of days to a few months. You don’t need any specific skills to volunteer – just a willingness to help out and have new experiences.

Plus, you’ll get to meet lots of great people from all over the globe.

Suppose you’re interested in a lending service and focus on seeing new places. In that case, Helpstay is an excellent option for you.

8. Become A Live-In Maid Or Nanny

live-in nanny

If you want to live cash-free, you can become a live-in maid or nanny. This is a job where you work for someone, and they provide you with food, shelter, and clothing in exchange for your work.

Of course, this is not for everyone, but if you’re willing to work hard, you can find a family ready to provide you with everything you need.

If you’re looking for formal maid training, you can try

After you get trained up, you can use ZipRecruiter to help you find a job.

Good luck!

(This is probably the best moneyless lifestyle choice because you could make friends and new family and watch someone’s little ones grow up to be awesome people. 😊)

9. Join The Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a great way to live without money. As a member of the Peace Corps, you will be provided with food, shelter, and a small stipend.

Plus, you will be doing good work in communities worldwide, helping with various environmental issues.

If you’re looking for an adventure and want to help others, you can use to help you get started.

10. Become A Buddhist Monk

monk sitting showing that you can make living without money possible

Becoming a Buddhist monk is a great way to live a moneyless lifestyle.

Plus, you get taught discipline, time management, and good self-control.

The downside is that you have to give up all your worldly possessions, but if you’re willing to make that sacrifice, you can live a life without any money.

There are many Buddhist monasteries worldwide, so you can find one that is right for you.

If you’re looking for more information, you can check out How to Become a Buddhist Monk.

11. Get Government Assistance

There are ALOT of government assistance programs out there to help you live without any cash.

Some folks don’t prefer to ask for assistance, but these programs can help you with food, shelter, and other necessities if you don’t mind.

A great place to start is visiting your local Department of Social Services.

They can help you find the assistance you need.

12. Join A Shelter

homeless shelter

Joining a shelter can help you live a money-free life.

When you join a shelter, they will give you a place to stay and food to eat. You may also be able to get clothing and other necessities from the shelter.

Shelters can help you get back on your feet and find a job to start earning money again.

And suppose the economy or lifestyle choices brought you to these unfortunate circumstances. In that case, is a great place to start to get your help.


Can We Live Without Money?

Even though this is not years ago when everything was cheap, living without money is possible, but it is not easy. You will need to be willing to make sacrifices and put in a lot of hard work. However, if you’re committed to living without cash and don’t want to spend a dime, there are many ways to can make it happen.

How Many People Live A Life Without Money?

There is no exact number, but it is estimated that millions of people around the world live a moneyless man or woman lifestyle.

What Would Happen Without Money?

Without money, people would have to find other ways to trade goods and services and even have fun. This could be through bartering or trading skills for food, shelter, and other necessities.

How Do I Start A New Life With No Money?

If you want to start a new life with no money and survive, you will need to be willing to make some sacrifices. For example, you may need to give up your possessions, find a new job, or join a shelter. And if you have a family, get your education up, research in advance, and communicate the game plan.

Can We Live Happy Without Money?

It is often said that money cannot buy happiness. While this may be true, it certainly doesn’t mean that life with no money is a bed of roses.

In fact, living without any money can be pretty challenging. It requires a lot of planning and creativity to make ends meet.

But it is not impossible. Some people have been living happily without money for years. And if they can do it, so can you.


So there you have it – 12 useful tips for living without any money. It’s not easy, but it is possible. And once you get the hang of it, you may find that the moneyless life is exactly what you always wanted.

Good luck and happy frugaling!

(Oh, and here’s how you can ENJOY life without money. I HIGHLY SUGGEST you take a look. 😊)

So what living without money tips will you try out?

Will you Skillshare to gain the skills needed to become a handyman?

Or will you join the Peacecorps and make a difference in someone’s life?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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