Signs of Manifestation: 12 Easy Ways To Know Victory Is Near | Wildchildretire

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Signs of manifestation can be subtle and sometimes hidden.

But we’ll help you identify them.

Here you learn 12 easy signs that your manifestation is coming sooner rather than later.

From being more loving, more confident, less stressed, and more.

Let’s get to it!

12 Simple Signs Your Manifestation Is Close

1. Less Stress

dice saying less stress

One clear sign that your manifestation is close and you are on the right path is that you will start to feel less stressed. Some say this is because you will vibrate at a higher frequency as you get closer to your manifestation. And with your high vibes and a higher frequency, you will naturally attract positive circumstances and people into your life.

I can attest. The beginning stages of my journey to achieve financial independence through becoming a rental property investor were filled with stress. I learned a new job, got out of my comfort zone, balanced parent duties, and just life. But as my manifestation grew closer, the stress just melted away!

Yes, you could say that’s because I developed a routine and became more knowledgeable in the subject, but I have been knowledgeable in paying taxes and public speaking, but I still get stressed every time one of those comes up!

The habit of daily affirmations(an extremely powerful tool) works. Me saying for 15 minutes every night before bed, “I am a successful rental property owner.” worked. The best thing about this is that it builds confidence in your subconsciousness and allows the universe to do its job in helping you manifest what you desire.

2. Daily Tasks Become Easier

word task and checkbox

Everything just feels so much better when your manifestation is close. The law of attraction is working in your favor, and you can feel it. All your daily tasks become so much easier, and you just feel more inclined to do them. It’s like everything is finally falling into place.

For instance, you may have been procrastinating on doing a family budget or cleaning your house for weeks. But when manifestation is close, you’ll find yourself cleaning with ease and enjoyment. Suddenly, all the little things you’ve been putting off don’t seem so bad anymore.

This is because you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This sign that your manifestation is coming, and everything will work out in your favor. So don’t be surprised if your daily tasks become much more manageable. Just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. The law of attraction is working its magic. Great things are near!

3. You’re More Loving

man woman kissing representing signs of manifestation

As you get closer and closer to your manifestation, you’ll find that you might become a lot more loving. This is a sign the law of attraction is working with your own vibration. The higher your vibration, the more you attract. Some believe love is one of the highest vibrations there is.

So, if you find yourself becoming more loving, it’s a sign from the universe that your manifestation is close. You might start expressing more love to those around you or feeling more loving towards strangers. The important thing, know that it’s a sign that what you’ve been manifestation is on its way.

4. Your Look Forward To The Grind

sign that says i love work representing signs of manifestation

For me, my goal was to own 3 homes outright. I started with zero knowledge of real estate. The learning was overwhelming, intimidating, daunting, and scary. You name it. I did not look forward to it, but I prayed and manifested and worked hard obsessively, and before I knew it, I loved waking up and getting to work! 

At that moment, I reflected and knew manifestation was near. After that, the time flew by, and I didn’t even realize I was putting in good work without whining! If you’re in the same boat, just know that you will soon reach your dream state!

5. You Become Subconsciously Obsessed (In A Good Way)

man working representing signs of manifestation

As you get closer and closer to your manifestation, you may find yourself becoming more and more obsessed with it. This is a good thing! It means that your manifestation is coming closer and closer to you.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. So, the more you focus on your manifestation, the more likely it is to come into your life.

If you find yourself thinking about your manifestation all the time, don’t worry. This is entirely normal. Just focus on keeping your thoughts positive; your manifestation will soon be yours.

6. Learning Becomes Fun

people having fun learning representing signs of manifestation

When manifestation is close, the universe provides us with little clues and signals. Like when we start to enjoy the learning process, we know manifestation is close. We feel more in tune with the universe, and our intuition is firing on all cylinders. We can better receive manifestation when we are having fun and enjoying the process.

For example, when we were kids, learning was easy and fun. We didn’t have to force ourselves to learn. It just happened. Manifestation works similarly. If our goal is to become a Black belt in Taekwondo, we will naturally enjoy the learning process because we are the Black Belt.

So, manifestation is close if you are having fun while learning something new. Allow yourself to enjoy the process and have fun with it. The universe will do the rest.

7. No More Self Doubt

man standing arms crossed representing signs of manifestation

This is a big one. A sure sign. It’s like a light switch flipped. Those limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about the wish fulfilled have now been replaced with positive ones, and you have new glowing confidence in your abilities. No more thinking of bad past experiences of failure. The manifestation is coming, and you KNOW it. The universe has your back, their divine timing, and everything feels in alignment. You can’t wait to see what happens next!

You no longer think bad things or have doubt if you will be a successful blogger, get your dream job, new car, or that you’ll ever fulfill that dream of retiring as a single bachelor. Instead, you feel it in your bones that everything will work out perfectly. You’re the best version of yourself. The small victories over time and the repetitive affirmations have come to fruition. The manifestation is close, and you can feel it. You’re on the right track, excited about the good things to come, and looking forward to the results!

This is an incredibly powerful moment in the manifestation process. You’ve let go of all self-doubt and are now fully confident that your manifestation is on its way. This is a massive shift in energy that will help attract your manifestation to you even faster. Enjoy this moment and savor the feeling of knowing that your manifestation is coming soon.

8. You Get Clues In Your Dreams

sign dream vision

During my stage of becoming a successful real estate investor, I started to have dreams that came to fruition.

I dreamed of finding the perfect property manager. Later that week, my teacher, from all the people in the world, talked about her property management side hustle. I chimed in, paid close attention, asked about it, linked up, and the rest was history. Three years later, I am still working with them, and this started with a dream.

It can happen to you too. So don’t think manifestation only works in your waking hours. It’s always working, and you can get clues through your dreams.

When manifestation is close, you will start to feel it. The universe is on your side and wants you to succeed. So if you have a dream that feels significant, especially if it’s repeated, take note. There may be a special message in there for you!

9. You Start Seeing Signs Everyday

magnifyying glass and word clue

Everything I saw started to be real-estate-related. Small signs were everywhere, from YouTube videos, podcasts, and skype calls with my parents to conversations with my coworkers.

I would see specific signs in the most random places. It was like the universe’s way of trying to tell me something. And I knew what it was trying to say.

I started to feel a sense of excitement, like something extraordinary was about to happen. And I was right. Within 6 months, I had manifested my first rental property, paid in full. It was perfect in every way and exactly what I had been visualizing.

Paying attention will be a good idea if you start seeing common signs every day. The universe is trying to tell you something. And it’s usually about your manifestation.

10. You Become Extremely Confident

word confidence man  signs of manifestation

Boom! The confidence was just oozing through my pours. I went from knowing nothing about real estate to owning a rental property, on my way to reaching my investing goal and purchasing two more, and couldn’t nobody tell me nothing. I was a straight real estate G in my mind, on top of the world, and the universe couldn’t bring me down.

And why was I so confident?

Because I knew that the universe had my back. I knew that whatever I put my mind to, I could achieve it. The small victories and the constant positive affirmations told me that manifestation was close, and I just had to keep going.

The universe has a way of making you feel confident when you are about to manifest something big. It’s like one of your guardian angels has picked you up and guided you. All of a sudden, you know what you’re doing, even if you have no idea. You just feel in your gut that everything will work out, giving you the extra push to keep going.

So if you’re feeling confident AF right now, this is a big sign that you are close to fulfilling your manifestation goals. So keep going, and don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way. The universe has your back!

11. You’re Sharing Your Manifestation Wish With Others

two woman talking

This is a huge sign that manifestation is close. When you start talking about your manifestation with others, you are fully confident that it is on its way. An old friend or new people, it doesn’t matter. This is a powerful energy shift that will help attract your manifestation to you even faster. This is a great sign.

When you share your manifestation wish with others, you also plant a seed in their minds. This helps to create a more potent energy force of manifestation around you. So don’t be afraid to talk about your manifestation with others. The universe wants you to succeed!

12. You Obtain The Feeling of The Wish Fulfilled

woman standing at peace representing signs of manifestation

This is the best feeling in the world. You know that your manifestation is close because you can feel it. This is when you start to feel like it has already happened. You can feel the happiness, gratitude, and excitement as if it is already here.

And guess what?

It’s true!

Right before I purchased my first property, I got attached to the feeling of the wish fulfilled. I WAS A SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INVESTOR! As soon as I realized what was going on, things went on autopilot and accelerated me toward my goal of owning 3 properties outright. The journey seemed effortless because I already felt I had achieved my goal.

If you start to feel like your manifestation has already happened, it’s a good sign that it is close. So just stay in that feeling state as much as possible and watch as your manifestation comes to you effortlessly.


What is the first step in manifestation?

The first step in manifestation is to become aware of what you want to manifest. Once you know your goal, you must feel confident and excited about achieving it. The universe will respond to your positive vibes and help you manifest your desires.

What happens right before your manifestation?

Right before manifestation, it’s essential to let go of the need and have faith that your goal is achievable and that you deserve to achieve it. It’s also helpful to take action steps towards your goal and form your own reality. Then, the universe will respond to your positive energy and help you manifest your desires.

How do you know if your manifestations will come true?

Most people think the universe will grant their wishes if they’re pure of heart and have good intentions. But how do you know if your manifestations will actually come true?

Here are two signs that your manifestations are on their way:

  1. You Feel Good About It. The universe will be more likely to aid you in your journey if you have a positive view of your goal. So, if you’re constantly thinking about your manifestation and feel good about it, it’s likely that your manifestation has a greater chance of becoming a reality.
  2. You Put In The Work. The universe gives you what you put in. So, if you’re putting in the work to make your manifestation come true, it’s likely that it will.

Can you feel when someone is manifesting you?

The universe is always manifesting things for us, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes, we can feel when someone is doing this for us. Other times, we may not be aware of it until after. But either way, it’s always happening.

Can someone feel when they are being manifested?

The universe is enormous, and there are infinite possibilities for what can happen. So, it’s impossible to say whether someone can feel when they are being manifested. However, it’s definitely possible that someone could have a strong feeling or intuition about something they are manifesting.

If you focus on trying to manifest and put your energy into making it happen, you will likely start to feel some positive vibes about it. These could be signs from the universe that your manifestation is right around the corner, like maybe repeating numbers with special meaning (angel numbers). Trust your instincts, have an open mind and go with your gut feeling – if it feels right, it probably is!

How do you know what the universe wants?

You may not be able to get an answer from the universe directly, but you can get a sense of what it wants by paying attention to how you feel. If you align with the universe, you’ll feel good and might even see a specific sign. You’ll feel like things are working out for you, it’s the right time, and your dream life is near, But if you’re not in alignment, the manifestation journey could seem more difficult.

Does the universe test you before your manifestation?

Sometimes yes. A universe is a mysterious place that often works in ways we don’t understand. But if you feel like you’re being tested, it’s important to remember that you are the creator of your reality. You have the power to manifest whatever you desire.


Victory is near! Keep up the good work, and stay focused on your goal. Watch for these signs of manifestation, and you will know that you are getting closer to achieving your goals. Let us know how it goes!

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Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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