Carnivore Diet On A Budget (9 Sure Fire Ways To Save Money) | Wildchildretire

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Switching up the way you eat and want to know how to do a carnivore diet on a budget?

Here, we’ll show you 9 simple ways to help you eat the carnivore diet without going broke.

So check out the easy read below if you’re interested in finding the best discounts, getting freshly hunted game, and more.

Let’s dive right in.

What Is A Carnivore Diet?

meat and words carnivore diet representing carnivore diet on a budget

Delicious yummy meat! That’s what a carnivore diet is! If you want to get all the protein you need and some, this is the way to do it. You’ll eat plenty of ground beef, steak, chicken, and other cuts of meat. And yes, there will be some fat in there too. But that’s okay because carnivores need fat to survive.

So why would you want to eat like a carnivore? Well, meats like grass-fed beef have plenty of nutrients your body needs. And when you eat various cuts of beef, you’re getting all those nutrients in a form easy for your body to absorb. So if you’re looking to build some muscle, this is a great way to do it.

So if you want to try something new and get all the protein you need with less work, the carnivore diet is the way to go!

*As always, discuss with a doctor before making significant health changes like a diet.

What Are The Benefits Of A Carnivore Diet?

Nutrient Density

nutrient definition representing carnivore diet on a budget

If you’re looking for a way to get a ton of quick essential nutrients, carnivore diets are the way to go. A carnivore diet contains mainly or only animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, and eggs.

Carnivores can get a lot of the nutrients, amino acids, and fatty acids they need from animal foods because the meat is an excellent source of complete protein, fat, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Carnivores often have an easier time than omnivores getting enough of certain nutrients, like b vitamins, iron, and zinc. This is because these nutrients are more bioavailable in animal products than in plant foods.

Additionally, carnivore diets tend to be very high in protein and fat. This combination can be very satiating, which may help you eat fewer calories and lose weight.

So, if you’re looking for a nutrient-dense diet to help you lose weight and has many health benefits, embrace the benefits of beef and try a carnivore meal plan!


As stated above, if you’re looking to stay full longer, you may want to consider carnivore diet foods like grass-fed beef. Ground beef is an excellent option for carnivore dieting, as it’s high in protein and fat while relatively low in carbs. Plus, it’s delicious!

Less Blood Sugar Spikes

blood sugar words and chalk board

When you go carnivore, your blood sugar spikes become much less frequent. You no longer consume carbohydrates, the main driver of blood sugar spikes. Instead, you are getting all of your nutrients from animal sources, which are much lower in carbohydrates.

Another benefit of the carnivore diet is that it can help to reduce inflammation in the body. This is because the carnivore diet eliminates all processed foods and refined sugars, which can wreak havoc on your body.

How Do You Eat A Cheap Carnivore Diet? (9 Great Ways)

1. Buy In Bulk

Costco! The land of savings. The carnivore diet can be an expensive way of life, but there are ways to cut corners- one of which is by buying your meat in bulk at Costco.

You can find good deals on ground beef, ribeye steaks, chicken, pork, and even salmon. The key is to buy in bulk, like whole chickens and 60 beef patties, and cook in bulk. This will save you both time and money in the long run.

So if you’re trying to save money on a low-income and try the carnivore diet, stop at Costco, stock up on meat, and save yourself some money!

2. Become a Hunter

hunter and dog representing carnivore diet on a budget

If you want to save money on your carnivore diet, consider becoming a hunter. Ground beef can be expensive, especially if you buy it from a grocery store. However, you can save much money if you hunt for your meat.

Not only will you have a greater chance of living below your means, but you’ll also get the satisfaction of knowing that you fully prepared the animal yourself. In addition, hunting is a great way to get exercise and fresh air, and it’s a skill you can learn and improve over time. If you’re interested in becoming a hunter, research and speak to other hunters to learn more.

3. Barter

And if you’re not a good hunter, you can always barter!

Let’s say your neighbor goes hunting every month a hauls in a deer, but he hates doing his yard work. You, on the other hand, love landscaping. So you can set up a trade where he gives you some of the deer meat every month in exchange for your yard work services.

You could also do the same thing with ground beef. If you have a friend who owns cattle, you could trade them some of your homegrown vegetables for a portion of ground beef.

Last but not least, try There you’ll find a ton of folks just waiting to trade services.

There are so many carnivore diet possibilities when it comes to bartering! Be creative and think outside the box to save yourself some money and make it a little fun.

4. Buy A Whole Animal

This is where you can save the big bucks on a carnivore diet! will let you buy a whole animal if you try a frugal carnivore diet. You don’t have to buy ground beef at the local butcher. Just buy an entire animal from a local farmer and deliver it to your doorstep. With one click of a button, you can have different inexpensive options such as lean cuts like muscle meat or portions with more healthy fats. Slow cook some stew meat, simmer the leftover bones, and you got yourself some gut-friendly bone broth!

Make sure you have enough freezer space because a whole cow will take up a lot of room. But it’s worth it because you’ll save money in the long run. Plus, you’ll enjoy the carnivore diet without worrying about where your next meal comes from.

5. Eat Non-Grass Fed Beef

If you want to spend less money on a low-budget carnivore diet, then eating non-grass-fed beef might be your new best friend. Ground beef, for example, is almost always cheaper when it’s grain-fed rather than grass-fed. In some high-cost living, local grocery stores, you can find grass-fed for as high as $9.99 an lb, compared to grain-fed at $2.99 an lb.

So if you’re looking to save more money every month, carnivore dieters can still do so by eating non-grass-fed beef. Just because it’s not grass-fed doesn’t mean it’s completely void of nutrients. You can get a lot of the same nutrients and protein you need from grain-fed beef. So go ahead and save some money by eating non-grass-fed beef – your carnivore diet will still be delicious and nutritious!

6. Shop For Discounts

red letters discount save money

Who doesn’t like a good discount? Carnivores can certainly appreciate a good deal on meat, and there are a few carnivore-friendly ways to get low-price discounted meat.

One way to get reasonable prices on discounted meat is to shop early in the morning. The early bird gets the worm, as they say, and that’s often true for meat discounts. Grocery stores typically mark down the meat close to expiration in the morning, so carnivores can snag up to 75% off some good deals. This can make a huge difference when trying to save for the future.

Another way to get carnivore-friendly low price discounts is to look for ground beef. Ground beef typically costs less than other expensive cuts of meat and is also very versatile. Carnivores can make all sorts of dishes with ground beef, from burgers and meatballs to shepherd’s pie and chili.

So, next time you’re carnivore shopping, keep an eye out for these meaty discounts. Your wallet will thank you!

7. By Past Due Meats

Some might think this is gross, but if you can get over the “yuck” factor, buying past-due meats can save you a lot of money on a carnivore diet. Here are some tips on how to purchase past-due meats:

  • Check the sell-by date: This is the date that the grocery store can no longer sell the meat. The meat is still perfectly fine to eat after this date, but it might not look as fresh.
  • Look for discounts: As stated earlier, many stores will discount meat close to the sell-by date. This is a great way to save money on meat.
  • Cook it right away: Cooking meat past its sell-by date is not recommended. This is because the meat may not be as fresh and could cause food poisoning.
  • Freeze it: If you are not going to cook the meat right away, it is best to freeze it. This will help to extend the shelf life of the meat.

Buying past-due meats can save you a lot of money on a carnivore diet. Just be sure to check the sell-by date, look for discounts, and cook the meat right away. And if you’re not going to cook it right away, then be sure to freeze it.

8. Ask A Friend For Free Eggs

hen and eggs representing carnivore diet on a budget

If you know a friend with a hen and lots of eggs to spare, don’t hesitate to ask for the leftovers. Carnivores can save much money on their diets by asking for free eggs. Likewise, if you have a friend who raises chickens, they may be willing to give you their extras for free. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and can be used in many different ways, so don’t be afraid to ask around.

The Buy Nothing ProjectJust Free Stuff, or even certain Facebook groups would be great places to find some free eggs. But, of course, you never know if you don’t try!

9. Eat Canned Meats and Fish

And last but not least, the crowd favorite, canned meat! Ahh, yes, Sardines, chicken beef, you name it. It’s already cooked and seasoned, so all you have to do is open the can and chow down. Canned meat is an easy and cheap way to get your carnivore fix.

Many canned meat brands exist, so add them to your shopping list and stock up. Canned meat can last long, so it’s perfect for carnivores who want to meal prep or have food on hand for when they’re feeling carnivorous.

Sardines and hot sauce…mmm…delicious!


Can I just eat ground beef on a carnivore diet?

Yes, you can eat ground beef on a carnivore diet. But you should incorporate parts of the animal like beef liver and organ meats to get a range of nutrients.

Do you poop on a carnivore diet?

Yes, you will still poop on a carnivore diet. However, a carnivore with bone broth may help reduce digestive issues and improve gut health.

How much does it cost to eat a carnivore diet?

Eating a carnivore diet cost can be as much or as little as you want it to be. For example, you can save money by eating cheaper cuts of meat or by eating only one type of meat. You can also spend more money on grass-fed and organic meats because the latter can be more expensive per pound.

Is it expensive to eat a carnivore diet?

A carnivore diet can be expensive and put a dent in your food budget, depending on the types of meat you consume. Ground meat or beef, for example, is generally cheaper than steak. However, carnivore dieters may typically eat much more liver, increasing the overall cost.

Can you live off a carnivore diet?

Yes, a lot of people can live off a carnivore diet. Many people do. The carnivore diet is a high-protein, low-carb diet that revolves around eating meat. Although our ancestors might have been meat eaters, there are not a lot of scientific studies. So please consult a doctor before partaking in a long-term diet change.


You can do this! It’s not as hard as it seems to follow a carnivore diet on a budget. Just remember, the cheap cuts of meat are usually the best place to start. And don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen – there are many ways to make delicious and satisfying meals without spending a fortune. So what are you waiting for? Start saving money today and become a carnivore on a budget!

So which tip will you use to help you do the carnivore diet on a budget?

Will you barter with a friend?

Or will you load up on bulk products at Costco?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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