Do You Get Paid To Host A Foreign Exchange Student? (You Need To Know) | Wildchildretire

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Has the thought “Do you get paid to host a foreign exchange student?” ever come to mind?

If so, we got the answer.

Here we’ll give you a detailed and helpful breakdown of if or even how you can get paid to host an exchange student.

So if you want to know what type of variables give you the best chance at compensation, like what kind of Visas your exchange student should apply for, different exchange programs, and more, check out the helpful read below.

Let’s dive right in.

What Is A Foreign Exchange Student?

foreign exchange student representing do you get paid to host a foreign exchange student

A foreign exchange student is a student who studies in a country other than their own, typically for a year or semester. In most cases, exchange students live with host families and attend local schools.

Hosting an exchange student can be a great way to help you reach financial independence, and it’s also just a rewarding experience for both the student and the host family. In addition, it’s an opportunity to learn about another culture and to make new friends. Exchange students typically come from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. If you’re interested in hosting an exchange student, you should know a few things. 

First, international students are typically young people between the ages of 15 and 18. They must have good grades and be recommended by their school. Students are also required to have health insurance.

Second, foreign students must apply for a student visa. The process can take several months, so it’s essential to start the paperwork early.

Third, host families must provide a safe environment, room, and board for their students (even in high cost of living areas). This includes a bed, meals like school lunches, and a safe place to study. Host families are also responsible for local transportation to and from school and extracurricular and family activities. So if you’re currently living on just $500 a month, it might be a good idea to wait until you have a little more of your own spending money, save a little more for the future, and try to host later in life.

Fourth, the international exchange student must obey the rules of their host parent, family, and school. This includes attending classes, respecting others, and following the curfew.

Fifth, the exchange student should be prepared to adjust to new cultures. This includes trying new foods, learning about new customs, and understanding different values.

What Are The Benefits Of Hosting An Exchange Student?

two people talking in different languages

There are many benefits to hosting an exchange student!

The students bring a fresh perspective to your family and community. They also provide an opportunity to learn about other cultures and customs firsthand. For instance, if you host a Japanese exchange student, they may be able to teach you about the art of Kakeibo and teach you some frugal living tips.

Additionally, the hosting experience can greatly expand your horizons and also help your own children make new friends worldwide.

Of course, the students are not just there for our benefit – they also come to learn about our culture and the American way of life. In exchange for providing them with a temporary home, we have the chance to show them what makes our country and community special. We can also help the students practice their English skills and adjust to their new surroundings, making this life-changing experience one to remember.

In short, hosting an exchange student is a unique and rewarding experience. If you have the opportunity to do so, we highly encourage you to take advantage of it!

Do Host Families Get Paid?

money and hands representing do you get paid to host a foreign exchange student

Yes and No. Let’s dive in a little bit.


If your student traveled on a J-1 visa, the answer is no. The volunteer host families do not get paid. The program you used to host the exchange student pays for your housing, food, and some spending money. The U.S. Department of State lets you claim a $50 per month tax deduction for the year.


If your exchange students traveled on F-1 visas, you might receive compensation. How much money you receive depends on the company host program you worked with to house the exchange student. A monthly stipend can range from $500-$1500 per student.

How Do You Get Paid To Host An Exchange Student?

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Become An Area Representative

Community representatives act as the local coordinator and are in charge of sharing the advantages of hosting an exchange student with other families. They operate as intermediaries between host households, students, their biological families, and the workers of the company they work with.

Host An Exchange Student With An F1-Visa

With an F1 Visa, you may earn extra income by getting paid a monthly stipend. The pay could be in the range of $500-$1500 per student. is a good website that offers compensation for hosting an international student.

How Do You Become A Host Family?

kid jumping

The first step is to contact a local exchange student program and express your interest in becoming a host family. The program will then provide information about the hosting process, requirements, and expectations.

To become a host family, you must be able to provide a safe and welcoming home for an exchange student. You will also need to complete a criminal background check and agree to a home interview, basically having your home inspected by the exchange program.

Hosting an exchange student is a big responsibility for the whole family, but it can also be a rich cultural experience. If you are interested in becoming a host family, please contact a local exchange student program today!


How long do we have to host the foreign exchange student?

The time frame can be very. For example, the exchange student can live with the host family for one academic year, or they can host student can participate in semester-only programs and shorter exchange periods available through some organizations.

Am I the student’s legal guardian?

No, the exchange student’s natural parents or legal guardians remain responsible for the student throughout the exchange program. However, as a host family, you will be responsible for providing the student with a safe and nurturing home environment, as well as supervising and supporting the student. At the same time, they attend school and engage in other activities.

What if the exchange student needs medical attention?

If medical treatment is required, the first thing you should do is contact the exchange student’s insurance company. They will be able to help you figure out what to do next. If the exchange student does not have insurance, you may need to pay for their medical care out of pocket. In some cases, the exchange student’s home country may have a reciprocal medical agreement with the United States to cover their medical care.

Will my exchange student speak English?

Most students come from countries where English is the primary language, so students generally have a good command of the English language. However, students may find that the most challenging part is understanding slang or colloquial terms. If you are concerned about your exchange student’s English proficiency, you can always request a language assessment from the exchange student’s home country. Volunteer families should also be aware that exchange students may be more comfortable communicating in their native language and should be prepared to help the exchange student practice their English.

Do I have to send my child overseas to host an exchange student?

No, you don’t have to send your child overseas to host an exchange student. Families from all over the world can host students. You can even host a student from your own country. Hosting an exchange student is a great way to learn about other cultures and to allow your family to learn about different cultures as well.


Being a host family is a great way to make extra money, meet new people, and help a student learn about your culture. And, best of all, you don’t have to do it alone – there are plenty of resources out there to help you along the way. So what are you waiting for? Go get signed up to become a host family!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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