JL Collins: The Godfather of FI (Bio, Books & Advice) | Wildchildretire

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Are you a financial independence enthusiast but don’t know who JL Collins is?

Here, we’ll give a little background on who exactly Mr. Collins is.

From his bio, the books he has written, and more.

Let’s dive right in.

Who Is JL Collins?

who is jl collins

The Godfather of FI, that’s who. Jim Collins is the author of “The Simple Path to Wealth” and a successful financial blogger. He firmly believes in the Financial Independence Retire Early movement and preaches a simple investment philosophy like Jack Bogle and Warren Buffett.

His blog has become an international sensation in the personal finance world, with readers worldwide coming to him for money advice. It was initially intended to archive information, provide investing advice, and teach his daughter how to avoid bad debt– but it has since become one of the most highly respected investing blogs.

In 2013, he established the Chautauqua retreat as an annual gathering to bring like-minded individuals together to talk about investing, money, and the simple things in life. These have so far occurred in Ecuador, England, Greece, and Portugal, with others expected.

If you’re interested in attending one of these events, sign up for the mailing list on his website.

What Books Did JL Collins Publish?

The Simple Path To Wealth: Your Road Map To Financial Independence And A Rich, Free Life

green road dollar signs

A classic amongst the FIRE movement, JL Collins’s book is the go-to investing guide for those looking to build their wealth. He covers important things such as investing with low cost index funds, how to avoid debt, asset allocation, bear market strategies, and the best way to achieve F you money. His simple yet effective approach has helped countless people on their journey to financial independence.

It started as a series of letters to his daughter concerning money and investing, which she wasn’t quite ready to hear. However, he soon realized the importance of teaching her (and others) about money and how to navigate the complex financial world we currently live in.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to investing, building your wealth, and achieving financial freedom, then The Simple Path to Wealth is a must-read.

How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before It Was Fashionable

J.L. Collins’ next book gives us an intimate look at his first journey into real estate investing.

JL’s book is both funny and relatable, as he tells a story of all the unfortunate events that can happen when investing in real estate.

Despite his success with other investing ventures, JL’s first experience with real estate investing left him with financial losses that could be substantial to others.

This book is excellent for anyone considering investing in real estate, as it provides a realistic look at all potential pitfalls.

JL Collins Advice

advice jl collins

What Investment Firm Does JL Collins Recommend?

JL Collins is a well-known investing expert, and he has some strong opinions when it comes to investing firms. He strongly recommends Vanguard for several reasons.

First and foremost, Vanguard is owned by the investors in Vanguard funds. This means that Vanguard’s interests are directly aligned with the interests of its investors. That’s not the case with most other firms, where the interests of the firm’s owners (i.e., the shareholders) are often at odds with the interests of the investors in the firm’s funds.

Second, Vanguard is regulated by the SEC. This provides an extra layer of protection for Vanguard investors that isn’t present with other firms.

Third, Vanguard offers a wide range of investment options, from ETFs to stocks to bonds to CDs. So regardless of your investing goals, Vanguard has the right products for you.

Fourth, Vanguard has low fees. This is important because it means more money stays in your pocket instead of paying high fees.

Finally, Vanguard has an excellent customer service team that is always willing to help. This is important because it means you can get help when needed instead of being left alone to figure things out.

For all these reasons, JL Collins strongly recommends Vanguard as the best investment firm if you want to be a successful investor.

What Stocks Does JL Collins Recommend?

stocks jl collins

VTSAX ( Vanguard’s Total Stock Market Index Fund). Keep it simple. Collins believes in keeping things simple when it comes to investing. And one of the simplest ways to do that is to invest in VTSAX.

VTSAX represents the entire United States market and more. So when you invest in low-cost index funds like VTSAX, you invest in every company publicly traded on the stock market. And it has one of the lowest expense ratios in the industry, at just 0.04%.

It’s one of the most popular mutual funds in the business, and it’s frequently included in Robo-advisor portfolios. Why? Because it’s a great way to diversify your investment without much effort. Since VTSAX consists of all market segments, there is no need to diversify into multiple areas.

You can easily invest in Vanguard through a dozen well-known investment brokers. However, investing in VTSAX is easy. So if you’re looking for a simple way to start investing, Collins recommends investing in VTSAX.

What Bond Fund Does JL Collins Recommend?

VBTLX (Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund ). This investment option is low-risk and low-cost. The fund’s investments are primarily in corporate bonds, making up 30 percent of the total investment portfolio. The rest is invested in government bonds that mature at different periods.

Bonds can also provide a degree of security to virtually any diversified portfolio, help with wealth preservation, build wealth, and help provide a stable early retirement.

They’re also a great option, like many people looking for a more predictable income stream, especially when stock markets are struggling. They can also be helpful as a savings vehicle if you don’t want to put your money at risk.

Investing in bonds is a safe and conservative way to grow your money. You can rely on them to provide a small but steady earned income stream, and they can be an excellent way to save for the future if you’re a more conservative investor entering the wealth preservation stage.

When it comes to investing, JL Collins knows what he’s talking about. His advice when choosing a bond Vanguard fund is to invest in the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VBTLX).

Why Do We Need F.U. Money?

hands throwing money

The money that allows you to be truly financially independent. It’s the money that you have after you’ve paid all of your bills, payments of credit cards, and debts, and it’s the money that allows you to live the lifestyle that you want without having to worry if you have enough money or if you’re going to have a financial crisis.

For many people, having F.U.money is a matter of security and peace of mind. It’s a good idea because it can help you pay for unexpected expenses or simply enjoy your life without worry.

After 9/11, JL Collins’ daughter asked if he was poor because she was worried he wasn’t working during those difficult times, but he had F.U. money. He wasn’t worried about money because he knew he had enough to cover his expenses and live the life he wanted.

What is the definition of “F you money?” According to Urban Dictionary, it’s simply “…the exact amount of money required to tell an individual or organization to go F themselves without facing repercussions.”

In other words, Fu money is the money that gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want, without having to worry about money.

If you want financial independence, then having F.U. money is a must. It’s the money that will allow you to live your financial life on your own terms, and it’s the money that will give you the peace of mind that comes with financial security.

So How Did J.L. Get His F U Money?

Mainly VTSAX, a Vanguard index fund that tracks the stock market. By investing in VTSAX, JL Collins grew his money over time without worrying about picking individual stocks.

If you want some of your own F U Money, maybe try investing in VTSAX.

JL Collins Recommended Tools For Success

Personal Capital

investment app

Personal Capital is a money management program that lets you keep track of your total net worth. Monitoring your financial situation to make informed decisions about your money is crucial. This tool’s essentials are 100% free and will provide valuable financial information.

In addition to tracking your net worth, Personal Capital can provide personalized advice about money management. This is an essential tool for anyone who wants to achieve financial independence. Personal Capital can provide you with custom money management advice that is tailored to your specific situation. The best thing is, this service is also completely free to use.

If you are looking for tools to help you manage your money, then Personal Capital is an excellent choice. It is a JL-approved, free service that can provide valuable insights into your finances.


Another good tool that JL Collins recommends is BettermentThis site can help you invest money and also save money. It has a high rating on mobile app stores, so you can easily invest money on the go. The robots do all the work for you with their automated tools and strategies, helping you to make the most of your money. You may also personalize your account to your liking or with their assistance. This is a great tool to help you work towards financial independence!


Last but not least, we have Vanguard. Vanguard is an excellent tool for those looking to invest in the stock market and achieve financial independence. Vanguard offers low costs, excellent customer service, and a wide array of investment options.

For example, JL’s favorite VTSAX fund has an expense ratio of only 0.04%! That means for every $10,000 you have invested, you would only pay $4 a year in fees. And because Vanguard is owned by the people who invest in their funds, they can pass along economies of scale and keep costs low.

So if you’re looking for a great tool to help you invest in the stock market, beat top stock analysts’ predictions, individual stock pickers, and achieve financial independence, Vanguard is an excellent option.


What did JL Collins do for a living?

At a young age, JL Collins kicked off his journey back in the day by selling flyswatters and gathering empty pop bottles to return for the 2-cent deposit. He was eight. Most of his good time was spent in the back cleaning out large metal ice cream cans, although he worked in an ice cream parlor for a while. He was 13, and he made $1.25 per hour.

He began his career as a dishwasher, busboy, grocery bagger, order-puller, stock clerk, and produce clerk at various gas stations in the days when someone pumped your gas and cleaned your windows.

After that, he worked as a mail room staff, landscape designer, tree crew groundsman, advertisement agency founder, advertisement space salesman, account executive, and many others, including a publisher.

Is the simple path to wealth a good book?

Yes, this is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a book about personal finance, dollar cost averaging, and the stock market. Financial Independence is written in an excited tone that makes it seem like the author genuinely shares his secrets to success. It’s an easy read and includes some good tips on how to make money in the stock market.

Where can I read the simple path to wealth by J L Collins?

If you’re looking for an investing book that will provide a simple, straightforward path to wealth, look no further than JL Collins’ The Simple Path to Wealth. In this book, Collins lays out an investment strategy that is both effective and easy to understand. You can read more about The Simple Path to Wealth here.

What does JL Collins invest in?

Mainly VTSAX and VBTLX.

How can I grow rich slowly?

If you’re looking to grow your money slowly and steadily, index investing in funds like VTSAX and VBTLX can help you do that. Both of these funds track major market indexes, so you’ll be investing in a wide variety of the largest companies across different sectors. Moreover, these indexes have historically outperformed other investments, like bonds and real estate.

Is VTSAX a good investment?

If you’re looking to invest in a low-cost, diversified stock portfolio, then VTSAX is a good option. This mutual fund offers exposure to the total U.S. stock market, including small- and mid-sized companies, so you can get a wide range of diversification for a relatively low expense ratio. VTSAX is an index fund, so you’ll benefit from the market’s long-term growth potential without paying hefty management fees.

What is the difference between VTSAX and VFIAX?

The significant distinction between and most crucial thing VFIAX and VTSAX is that VFIAX follows the S&P 500 index, whereas VTSAX follows the CRSP US Total Market Index. This increases the diversification of VTSAX.


JL Collins is the Godfather of Financial Independence. He has written extensively on the topic, and his advice is highly sought after by people worldwide looking to achieve financial independence. If you want to be like JL Collins, start by spending less than you earn, reading his books, and following his advice. Then, take action and make that F U Money!

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Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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