9 Best Ways to Make Money 3D Scanning ($5K+ Monthly!)

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Make money 3D scanning…that subject on your mind?

Here, we’ll go over 9 interesting ways to make money with a 3D scanner, including where to buy one and much more.

Let’s check it out.

Related Article: 23 Best Ways to Make Money with Photoshop ($3.5K+ Per Month!)

Make Money 3D Scanning Quick Picks 

Delving into what 3D scanning can offer several profitable avenues:

  • Coolest: 3D Scanning Experiences
  • Most Profitable: Reselling 3D Scanners
  • Most Unique: Selling Photogrammetry 3D Scans

Make Money 3D Scanning (9 Interesting Ways)

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“The way to become rich is to make money, not to save it.”

– Kate Chopin

Designing 3D Models for Printing

Estimated Monthly Income: $500 – $2,000

Creating and selling your 3D designs can be a fun and profitable venture. With 3D scanning, you can scan real-world objects, modify them in software like Blender, and sell the resulting models on platforms like Shapeways or Etsy. You can create anything from jewelry to home decor items. Moreover, with the rise of 3D printing, there’s a growing demand for unique and personalized 3D models.

Don’t worry if you’re new to 3D design; there are plenty of online resources available to help you get started. Websites like Udemy offer courses in 3D design and scanning. And communities like Thingiverse provide inspiration and support from other 3D enthusiasts.

Selling Your 3D Scans Online

Estimated Monthly Income: $300 – $1,500

Did you know that you can make money by simply selling your 3D scans? Platforms like TurboSquid and CGTrader allow you to sell 3D models and scans to artists, designers, and other professionals. These platforms host a wide variety of 3D content, from simple objects to complex architectural models, and they handle all the sales and distribution for you.

To get started, you’ll need a 3D scanner (or a smartphone with a 3D scanning app) and something to scan. The better the quality of your scans, the more you can charge. And remember, the more unique or hard-to-find the object, the higher the demand. Websites like 3DScanExpert offer tips and tricks to create high-quality 3D scans.

Offering 3D Scanning as a Service

Estimated Monthly Income: $1,000 – $5,000

3D scanning services are in high demand in industries such as archaeology, product design, real estate, and more. By offering your 3D scanning skills, you can work with clients to scan objects, buildings, or sites and deliver high-quality 3D models. Freelance platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can be great places to start finding clients.

Before you get started, it’s important to understand your costs and pricing. This includes the cost of your time, the cost of your equipment, and any travel expenses. Websites like 3DPrint.com publish articles on how to price 3D scanning services.

Affiliate Marketing of 3D Scanners

Estimated Monthly Income: $100 – $1,000

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money by promoting products you love. If you have a blog, YouTube channel, or social media following, you can make money by recommending 3D scanners to your audience. When someone purchases through your referral link, you earn a commission. Companies like Amazon offer affiliate programs for 3D scanners and other tech products.

To succeed in affiliate marketing, it’s important to build trust with your audience. This means providing honest reviews and useful content. Websites like Affiliate Marketing Ninja offer tips and strategies for successful affiliate marketing.

Creating and Selling Accurate Models of Objects

Estimated Monthly Income: $400 – $2,000

With 3D scanning, you can create incredibly accurate models of real-world objects. These models can be used in various applications, from video game design to virtual reality. By selling these models on platforms like Sketchfab or Unity Asset Store, you can earn a significant income.

Creating high-quality 3D models requires understanding 3D scanning and modeling techniques. Resources like Lynda offer online courses in these areas. Communities like Reddit’s 3D Scanning subreddit are great places to connect with other creators and learn from their experiences.

Running a Side Hustle with a Low-Cost 3D Printer

Estimated Monthly Income: $500 – $3,000

A low-cost 3D printer can be your ticket to a profitable side hustle. You can use it to create custom client items, from personalized jewelry to unique home decor pieces. The possibilities are endless, and the best part is that you can work from the comfort of your own home. Websites like Etsy are great platforms to sell your 3D-printed items.

Furthermore, you can also offer 3D printing services. For instance, architects and designers often need 3D models of their projects. You can offer to print these models for them. Check out websites such as Upwork or Freelancer, where you can find freelancing gigs related to 3D printing.

Selling Photogrammetry 3D Scans

Estimated Monthly Income: $200 – $1,500

Photogrammetry is a technique that uses photographs to measure the environment and create 3D models. These 3D scans can be sold to various industries, including gaming, real estate, and film. Websites like TurboSquid and CGTrader are popular marketplaces for selling 3D scans.

In addition to selling 3D scans, you can also offer photogrammetry services. This involves going to a location, taking photographs, and then processing those photographs into a 3D model. Real estate agents, for example, may be interested in this service to create virtual tours of properties. Websites like Fiverr can help you find clients for this kind of service.

Offering 3D Scanning Experiences

Estimated Monthly Income: $600 – $3,000

3D scanning experiences are a unique offering that can be quite profitable. This involves using a 3D scanner to create a digital model of a person or an object. These 3D models can create custom items, such as figurines or jewelry. You can offer this service at events, such as weddings or corporate functions. Websites like Eventbrite can help you promote your services and find events to attend.

In addition, you can also offer virtual 3D scanning experiences. This involves guiding clients through scanning an item at their location using their smartphone. The scanned data can then be sent to you for processing. Websites like Zoom can be used to host these virtual experiences.

Reselling 3D Scanners

Estimated Monthly Income: $500 – $4,000

Reselling 3D scanners can be another way to earn money. This involves buying 3D scanners at a wholesale price and then reselling them at a profit. Websites like Alibaba are great places to find suppliers of 3D scanners.

Aside from selling the scanners, you can also offer related services, such as training on using the scanners or providing after-sales support. This can add value to your offering and make your business more appealing to customers. Websites like LinkedIn can help you network with potential customers and promote your services.

Buying a New vs Used 3D Scanner

In the quest for financial independence, making savvy purchases is key. We’re talking about 3D scanners today, and the big question is: Should you buy a new or used scanner? It’s like walking a tightrope, balancing cost, quality, and longevity. Let’s dive right in.

Buying a New 3D Scanner

  • Latest Technology: With a new 3D scanner, you get the latest technology. This means more features, better accuracy, and, often, improved ease of use. Check out this list of the best 3D scanners 2023 for top-tier options.
  • Warranty Coverage: New 3D scanners typically come with manufacturer warranties. That’s your safety net if anything goes wrong. Peace of mind? Priceless.
  • Longer Lifespan: Paying upfront for a new 3D scanner could mean more years of service. Think of it as an investment in your future projects.

Buying a Used 3D Scanner

  • Cost Savings: No surprises here; used 3D scanners are generally cheaper. Sites like eBay and Used3DScanners offer a range of pre-loved options.
  • Eco-Friendly: Buying used is green. It’s a small step towards reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability.
  • Tested and Reviewed: Used 3D scanners often come with user reviews. These real-world insights can be incredibly valuable when choosing the right model for you.

So, there you have it. New or used, both paths have their merits. The choice ultimately depends on your budget, needs, and preferences. Remember, financial independence isn’t always choosing the cheapest option—it’s about making smart decisions that pay off in the long run. Happy scanning!

Buying vs Renting a 3D Scanner

The decision to buy or rent a 3D scanner largely depends on your specific needs, budget, and duration of use. Both options come with their advantages and considerations.

Buying a 3D Scanner

  • Investment: Purchasing a 3D scanner is a significant investment. It is more cost-effective in the long term if scanning is a regular part of your operations. Compare prices here
  • Ownership: When you purchase a scanner, it becomes an asset to your company. You have complete control over its usage and maintenance.
  • Software Updates: Many manufacturers offer software updates for purchased scanners, ensuring the device stays up-to-date with the latest technology. Check here for more information.
  • Depreciation: Remember that, like any technology, 3D scanners can depreciate over time. This could impact your return on investment.

Renting a 3D Scanner

  • Lower Upfront Costs: Renting a scanner requires less upfront investment, making it a feasible option for short-term projects or infrequent use. Rental options can be found here.
  • Flexibility: Rental agreements often offer the flexibility to switch models as per project requirements, allowing access to a variety of technologies without a hefty price tag.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Rental companies usually handle maintenance and repairs, reducing the hassle and expense for the user.
  • No Ownership: While renting lowers initial costs, remember you won’t own the equipment. Over time, rental costs could exceed purchasing a scanner outright.

The choice between buying or renting a 3D scanner depends on your specific needs, budget, and how frequently you plan to use the scanner. It’s important to weigh these factors carefully before making a decision.

Where Can I Buy a 3D Scanner?

Looking to get into the world of 3D scanning? Whether you’re a CAD modeler wanting to extract detailed blueprints or a tinker hoping to reverse engineer items for personal use, there’s a demand for 3D scanners. Not only can they help you create high-quality 3D assets, but they also offer a chance to monetize your hobby. Here’s where you can find one:

  • Amazon: Known for their wide range of products, Amazon is always a good idea to start your search. They offer different levels of detail in 3D scanners, catering to professional 3D modelers and hobbyists.
  • Vision Miner: This site offers comprehensive scanner packages, including software and accessories. Financing options are also available, making it easier on your pocket.
  • Best Buy: Known for electronic goods, Best Buy also stocks 3D scanners you can buy online or pick up in-store.
  • Top 3D Shop: Offering competitive prices and free U.S. shipping, Top 3D Shop is worth considering for your 3D scanning needs.
  • Ultimate 3D Printing Store: From handheld to desktop 3D scanners, this store has various options to suit your needs.
  • 3D Printers Online Store: Specializing in 3D printing applications, this store offers 3D scanners at affordable prices.
  • eBay: This online marketplace offers new and used 3D scanners, which might be useful if you’re looking for a bargain.
  • Peel 3D: If you’re looking for portable 3D scanners with dedicated software, Peel 3D might be worthwhile.

Once you have your scanner, there are different ways to make money. You can start selling your 3D designs on online marketplaces, offer 3D design services, or even use your scanner for prototype fabrication. Uploading similar assets to what’s already available may earn you a subscriber base. Finding a niche and offering something unique that people are willing to pay for can also make a real difference to your revenue.

Make Money 3D Scanning FAQ

Is there a demand for 3D scanning?

Yes, there is a significant demand for 3D scanning. The global 3D scanning market was valued at $3.72 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $16.66 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 16.3% from 2021. This growth is driven by increasing R&D spending and technological advancements like structured light, laser dot, or laser line technology.

Can you sell 3D scans of objects?

You can make money from 3D scanning by selling your scans of objects. To sell your scans, you need to ensure that you produce high-quality 3D models that are in demand. You might be used to scanning similar products to increase your efficiency. However, always respect privacy policy and avoid scanning copyrighted or private objects without permission.

How big is the 3D scanning market?

The 3D scanning market is substantial and growing rapidly. According to Allied Market Research, the market is expected to reach $16.66 billion by 2030. Other sources project the market to reach USD 10.90 billion by 2026 or even USD 11.7 billion by 2032, demonstrating the significant potential for growth in this field.

Why is it profitable for a company to use 3D scanners?

Companies can make money with 3D scanners by offering their services for 3D printing and CAD model creation. Using scan technology, businesses can create accurate 3D space representations of objects, which can be valuable in manufacturing, architecture, and design work. Additionally, 3D scanning can help companies reduce their production costs by improving the precision of their prototypes and reducing the number of design iterations needed.

What 3D models are most in demand?

The demand for 3D models varies across industries. However, there is a consistent need for high-quality 3D models in sectors like architecture, entertainment (for games and movies), and product design. In these fields, professionals often want to sell or use 3D models that accurately represent real-world objects and environments, including their shape, texture, and lighting information.

Make Money 3D Scanning Conclusion

Make money 3D scanning—it’s not just a catchy phrase. It’s a real possibility! Just think about it. You’re using cutting-edge technology to create detailed, intricate models, and there’s a whole world of people and businesses out there who need those skills. Whether for video game design, real estate virtual tours, or historic preservation, you’ve got the power to provide a service that’s both in demand and financially rewarding. And let’s not forget the cool factor—how many people can say they make money with lasers?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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