How To Make Money Selling Paparazzi Jewelry (45% Commission!) | Wildchildretire

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Want to know how to make money selling Paparazzi Jewelry?

We got you covered.

Here we’ll give you a detailed breakdown of how to make some extra income via Paparazzi Jewelry.

We’ll go over what Paparazzi Jewelry is, the type of jewelry you will be selling, how to sell it, and more.

Let’s start making money!

Paparazzi Jewelry Highlights

  • Can you work from home?- Yes
  • Can you be your own boss?– Yes
  • Do you get a 45% commission? – Yes
  • Are our work hours flexible?- Yes
  • Does this increase the chances of being financially independent – Yes

What Exactly is Paparazzi Jewelry?

confused girl

Paparazzi Jewelry is a fun and affordable way to accessorize your outfits. Every piece is only $5, making building a stylish jewelry collection easy. In addition, paparazzi products are constantly changing, so you can buy what you see when you see them. The jewelry is made in China and is available only through Paparazzi Consultants.

Paparazzi Jewelry is a great way to add some personality to your style. With so many options to choose from, you can always find the perfect piece (or pieces) to complement your look. And at such an affordable price, building a collection of Paparazzi jewelry is easy and fun. So if you’re trying to live within their means and want to try and raise some money fast, you might want to look into becoming a Paparazzi consultant.

How Much Money Does A Paparazzi Consultant Make?

girl with lots of money representing how to make money selling paparazzi jewelry

As a Paparazzi Consultant, you can make an eye-opening 45% commission on every piece of jewelry you sell. If you sell a $5 necklace, you get to keep $2.25! And it doesn’t stop there- you also earn Paparazzi Points (PV) on every item sold, which can be rewarded as bonuses.

If a consultant can sell $200-$300 worth of product per party, they take home an extra $90-$135 just for hosting a get-together! And with parties averaging about 2 hours in length, that’s an hourly wage of $45-$67.5…, not too shabby!

Now let’s talk a little about the bonuses and incentives as a Paparazzi Consultant. For example, if you become a Luxe Jetsetter (250PV) two months in a row, you can be awarded a $25,000 cash bonus!! Also, the company offers a new jewelry collection each month and achievable incentives for those who reach specific sales goals.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the compensation and income:

paparazzi income disclosure
Paparazzi disclosure statement
paparazzi compensation plan
Paparazzi compensation plan

The important thing is that you get a 45% commission. But I’d highly recommend you call or email a local representative for further detail.

So, how much money does a Paparazzi Consultant make? It’s really up to you! With flexible hours and the ability to work from home, Paparazzi Jewelry is the perfect opportunity for those looking to accumulate wealth, supplement their income, or even earn a living!

How Can I Become a Paparazzi Consultant?

jewelry necklace representing how to make money with paparazzi jewelry

Do you have any ideas about joining the Paparazzi Jewelry team?

The process is relatively easy. It is very beneficial to join, and new consultants can complete this within 20 minutes by following the simple steps:

  1. Choose the sponsor of your paparazzi leaders or mentors. Search for a Paparazzi consultant to sponsor you by using your ZIP code in the search bar on the Paparazzi website.
  2. Choose the paparazzi starter kit that will help you sell from the beginning.
    • $99 Starter Pack valued at $175, 35 Pieces of Paparazzi Jewelry
    • $299 Starter Pack valued at $600, 120 Pieces of Paparazzi Jewelry
    • $499 Starter Pack valued at $1,000 200 Pieces of Paparazzi Jewelry
  3. Let the party begin! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to participate in your Launch Party and get their first dibs on your newest arrivals and unique jewelry.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

How To Make Money Selling Paparazzi Jewelry (6 Easy and Effective Ways)

There are two main ways to make money with Paparazzi Jewelry: Retail and commission teams.

Let’s dive in for further explanation.


1. Create Your Own Paparazzi Jewelry Websites

If you love Paparazzi Accessories and want to make extra money, creating your own Paparazzi Jewelry website is a great way to do it! No need for a local small business office or retail store. From the convenience of your home, you can earn a decent commission on every piece of jewelry you sell, and with, they will create a free website for you. It’s easy to get started, no hard work required, and you can be up and running in no time selling low-price, high-quality jewelry.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. Choose a name for your website and customize it with your branding and photos.
  3. Start adding jewelry to your website! You can add as much or as little as you want.
  4. Share your website with your friends and start selling Paparazzi Accessories!

It’s that easy! When you make a sale, you can ship the jewelry to your customer, and you will earn a commission on the sale.

2. Facebook Groups

Facebook symbol

Facebook groups are one of the most convenient ways to sell Paparazzi Jewelry. You can create a group for just about anything, and people are always looking for new groups to join. If you have a group for selling Paparazzi Jewelry, you can post pictures of the jewelry you have for sale, and people can comment on the items they are interested in. You can also set up a time and place to meet potential buyers or even ship the jewelry to them if they are not local. There are endless possibilities for selling Paparazzi Jewelry through Facebook Groups!

3. Flea Markets

Large events like flea markets are also a great place to sell Paparazzi wholesale jewelry and accessories! You can find flea markets all over the country, and they are usually held on weekends. This is a great way to start your Paparazzi business, and you can make a lot of money!

You must do a few things to successfully sell Paparazzi Jewelry at flea markets. 

First, you need to have a good selection of jewelry and accessories. You should have a mix of necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. You will also need to have a display set up so that people can see your jewelry.

Second, you need to be able to sell your jewelry. This means that you need to be able to talk to people and explain why Paparazzi Jewelry is a great deal. You should also be able to answer any questions that people have about the jewelry.

Third, you need to be organized. This means that you need to keep track of your inventory and your sales. You should also have a system for taking payments and giving receipts.

Fourth, you need to be friendly and outgoing. People will be more likely to buy from you if they like you. So smile, be polite, and make sure that you are having fun! is a great place to find a flea market.

If you follow these tips, you will be successful at selling Paparazzi Jewelry at flea markets. So get out there and start selling! You can make a lot of money and have a lot of fun!

4. Local Salons

salon and chairs representing how to make money selling paparazzi jewelry

Location, location, location. This is especially true when it comes to selling Paparazzi Jewelry. While you can find success selling Paparazzi Accessories in several areas, local salons are often great places to get started.

There are a few reasons for this. 

First, salons tend to be high-traffic areas with a lot of foot traffic. This means that you will have a captive audience of potential customers who are already in the mindset of spending money on beauty and fashion products.

Second, salons are often social places where people gather to chat and relax. This makes them the perfect place to strike up a conversation about Paparazzi Jewelry – and because you’re already in a social setting, it will be much easier to build rapport and make a sale.

Finally, many salons already have established relationships with their clients, which means they are more likely to be receptive to selling Paparazzi Jewelry. After all, if they trust and respect the salon owner’s opinion on beauty products, they are more likely to trust their recommendation regarding jewelry.

If you’re ready to start selling Paparazzi Jewelry in local salons, there are a few things you need to do to be successful.

First, take the time to research different salons in your area and find ones that would be a good fit for Paparazzi Jewelry. Once you have a few options, reach out to the salon owner or manager and introduce yourself.

Be sure to explain what Paparazzi Jewelry is all about and why you think their clients would love it. It’s also a good idea to bring some samples of Paparazzi Jewelry with you to show off. If the salon owner is interested, ask if you can set up a display or leave some business cards.

Once you’ve got your foot in the door, it’s time to start selling! Always be professional and polite when working in someone else’s business, and don’t be afraid to start conversations with potential customers.

Go get it!

5. Home Parties

Let’s get the party started! You can make money with Paparazzi Jewelry by hosting home or basket parties. This is the best way to earn some extra cash and have a lot of fun at the same time.

Paparazzi Jewelry home parties are a great way to get your friends and family members involved in something new and exciting. But before you get the ball rolling, here are a few pointers:

  1. Choose a date and time that works for you and your guests. Keep in mind that most home parties last about 2 hours.
  2. Make a list of potential guests. Ask your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers… anyone you think might be interested in attending a Paparazzi Jewelry home party.
  3. Contact your guests and invite them to the party. Be sure to give them all the details (date, time, address, etc.) so they can easily RSVP.
  4. Once you have a few confirmed guests, start spreading the word about the party! Use social media, word-of-mouth, or even flyering to get the word out.
  5. On the day of the party, make sure your house is clean and presentable. Set up a Paparazzi Jewelry display so your guests can browse and try the jewelry.
  6. Have fun! Home parties should be enjoyable for both you and your guests. Be sure to mingle, socialize, and make everyone feel welcome.

By following these simple tips, you can host a successful Paparazzi Jewelry home party that will leave your guests wanting more. So what are you waiting for? Get the party started today!


6. Build A Sales Team

three people sales team

You need to build a sales team to make real money and make more passive income with Paparazzi Jewelry. A sales team of people who sell Paparazzi Accessories under you will help you make more money. You’ll earn a commission for every team sales they make, and the more people on your team, the more sales they’ll make, and the more money you’ll make!

Building a sales team is not as difficult as it may seem. You can start by finding people interested in fashion and jewelry and see if they would be interested in joining your team. Once you have a few people on your team, you can start training them on how to sell Paparazzi Accessories. The more you help them, the more successful they’ll be, and the more money you’ll make!

So if you’re interested in making more money with Paparazzi Jewelry, start building your sales team today! You won’t regret it!


Do consultants have a calendar month quota they must fulfill?

To keep consultant status, no goods or services must be delivered monthly. Every rolling year, you must order 100 items minimum, however. To be labeled an active consultant, you must have at least 25 items on the market each month. To be eligible to earn a commission on items purchased by team members in your downline, you must be an active participant.

Is Paparazzi Accessories a scam or pyramid scheme?

No, Paparazzi Jewelry is not a scam. It is a legitimate company that has been around for over 10 years. Although, there are plenty of other MLM companies you should steer clear of. If you’re concerned, please research and search for non-biased reviews to help make a better-informed decision.

Is Paparazzi Jewelry a good investment?

A Paparazzi Accessories consultant is a good investment if you’re trying to accumulate wealth. However, it’s not if you’re looking to get rich quickly. Building a successful Paparazzi Jewelry business takes time, patience, and consistency.

How do I get Paparazzi Accessories inventory to sell to customers?

Paparazzi Accessories is a direct sales company. To get inventory to sell, you need to sign up as an independent consultant on their website. When you do, you’ll be able to order Paparazzi products at a discounted price and then sell them to customers for a profit at retail price.

Where can I NOT sell Paparazzi Jewelry?

An active consultant cannot sell jewelry products at auction websites like eBay or craigslist.


You’re ready to go out and make some serious money selling Paparazzi Jewelry! Remember, the key to your success will be finding excellent consultants to work with. Once you have built a strong sales team, hit as many flea markets as possible. With a little effort, you should be on your way to earning the 45% commission rate that Paparazzi offers its consultants! Are you excited about starting your own business? We sure are!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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