How to Make Money with Google AdMob (Easy A-Z Guide)

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How to Make Money with Google AdMob Key Takeaways: 

  • Stay compliant with Google’s policies to avoid penalties.
  • Optimize for high-quality traffic to increase ad engagement.
  • Utilize AdMob Mediation for greater ad revenue.
make-money-with-google-admob smilng woman withh cash

Curioous aabot making money wt Google Admob huh?

The article below will show you all about Google AdMob, including how to set up an account, the types of ad formats, strategies to succeed, and more!

Enjoy the helpful read!

Related Article18 Unique Ways to Make Money with Google (Over $10,000 Monthly!)

Introduction to Google AdMob

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”

– Henry Ford

One of the most common ways to earn money in the digital world is through mobile applications. However, generating revenue from apps isn’t as simple as it seems. This is where Google AdMob comes into play.

What is Google AdMob?

Google AdMob is a mobile advertising platform that you can use to monetize your mobile applications. It allows developers to earn money by displaying advertisements within their apps. These ads are tailored to your app’s content and the interests of your users, which increases the chances of engagement.

AdMob is incredibly user-friendly. You don’t need to be a marketing whiz or a coding expert to use it. Once you’ve integrated the AdMob platform into your app, the system automatically starts showing ads to your users.

The Importance of Google AdMob in Monetizing Apps

Google AdMob is an essential tool for anyone looking to monetize their mobile applications. Here’s why:

  • User-Focused Advertising: AdMob uses Google’s advanced machine learning algorithms to show users relevant ads. This increases the likelihood of users engaging with the ads, leading to higher revenue for you.
  • Global Reach: With Google AdMob, your app can display ads to users worldwide. No matter where your users are located, AdMob can help you reach them.
  • Easy Integration: As mentioned earlier, integrating AdMob into your app is straightforward. You don’t need to have extensive coding knowledge to do it.
  • Detailed Analytics: AdMob provides detailed analytics about your ad performance. This data can help you make informed decisions about your ad strategy and improve your monetization efforts.

Google AdMob is a powerful tool that greatly enhances your app monetization efforts. It’s user-friendly, offers global reach, and provides valuable analytics to help you optimize your strategy. So, if you’re developing an app and wondering how to generate revenue from it, Google AdMob is worth considering.

Setting Up Google AdMob

Google AdMob is a handy platform that allows you to monetize your mobile application through in-app advertisements. Setting up Google AdMob is smart if you want to generate revenue from your app. Let’s dive into the steps involved in setting up this platform.

ting a Google AdMob Account

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a Google AdMob account. You can simply sign in using those credentials if you already have a Google account. If not, don’t worry – creating a new Google account is a straightforward process.

Once you’ve signed in to your Google account, you must go to the Google AdMob page and follow their instructions to create your AdMob account. This will involve providing basic information about yourself and agreeing to Google’s terms and conditions. It’s an easy and quick process, but do make sure to read through everything carefully so you understand what you’re signing up for.

At this stage, deciding whether you’d like AdMob to send you customized help and performance suggestions is also a good idea. This could be a useful resource if you’re new to app monetization.

Please note: You cannot create an AdMob account if your Google email is already attached to an MCC (My Client Center). To know more about this, you can refer to this source.

Integrating Google AdMob with Your Mobile App

Now that you’ve created your AdMob account, the next step is to integrate Google AdMob with your mobile app. This involves creating at least one ad unit and placing it in your app.

To set up an unpublished app, click ‘Apps’ in the sidebar and select ‘Add app.’ You’ll then need to choose your app’s platform (iOS or Android) and enter a name for your app. For more details, you can refer to this Google support page.

Next, you’ll need to configure your app by adding your AdMob app ID, as identified in the AdMob web interface, to your app’s AndroidManifest.xml file. This is done by adding a <meta-data> tag. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found on the Google Developers page.

Finally, you’ll need to integrate the AdMob API into your app to serve ads on one or more of your app’s pages. The process for this will vary depending on the specifics of your app, but general guidance can be found in this Quora post.

Understanding Ad Formats

Ad Formats are the backbone of any successful mobile advertising campaign. It is essential to know the different types and how they can benefit your app monetization strategy. Here are the primary ad formats that Google AdMob provides:

Banner Ads

Banner ads are one of the most common ad formats available. They’re usually placed at the top or bottom of your app screen and stay there while users interact with the app.

Google AdMob offers a variety of banner sizes, allowing you to choose the one that fits best within your app layout. The key here is to integrate these ads seamlessly without disrupting the user experience. For more on banner ads, check out this guide from Google.

Interstitial Ads

Next up are interstitial ads. These are full-screen ads that cover the entire interface of an app. They’re typically displayed during natural transition points in your app, like between game levels or during a break in content.

Interstitial ads can be more engaging due to their size, but they also require careful placement to avoid frustrating users. Google provides best practice guidelines for interstitial ads to help you maximize their effectiveness.

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads are a win-win solution for both app developers and users. Users choose to watch these ads in exchange for in-app rewards, such as coins, extra lives, or premium content.

This ad format has been successful in improving user engagement and retention. It’s especially popular in gaming apps but can also be effective in other categories. For tips on implementing rewarded ads, visit this page on Google AdMob Help.

Native Ads

Lastly, we have native ads. These ads are designed to match the look and feel of your app, providing a more seamless user experience. They can be customized to fit within your app’s design and layout.

Native ads can blend naturally with your app content, leading to higher engagement rates. However, they also require more effort to implement correctly. Google offers a detailed guide on how to use native ads effectively.

Understanding these ad formats is the first step towards effective app monetization with Google AdMob. Each format has strengths and suitable use cases, so consider your app’s specifics and users’ preferences when choosing the right ad formats.

Effective Strategies for Maximizing AdMob Revenue

make-money-with-google-admob stacks of cash

“If you want to succeed and leave your competitors behind, you need great plans and even better execution.”

– Pooja Agnihotri

Google AdMob is a wonderful platform that can help you monetize your mobile apps. However, you need a well-thought-out strategy to squeeze every penny out of it. Here are some effective strategies that can significantly increase your AdMob revenue.

Choosing the Right Ad Format for Your App

The first step towards maximizing your AdMob revenue is choosing the right ad format for your app. Each ad format serves a different purpose, and it’s crucial to understand which one fits your app best.

  • Banner Ads: These are the most common types of ads. They occupy a small space within an app’s layout and can be placed at the top or bottom of the screen. They’re great for apps that have a lot of user interaction.
  • Interstitial Ads: These are full-screen ads that cover the interface of an app until closed by the user. They’re best used at natural pause points in the flow of an app, such as between game levels or just before exiting an app.
  • Rewarded Ads: These ads offer users rewards in exchange for watching ads. They’re especially popular in gaming apps where users can earn in-game currency, extra lives, or premium content.

You can learn more about these ad formats on Google’s official AdMob page.

Placing Ads Strategically in Your App

Ad placement is another critical factor in maximizing revenue. You want your ads to be visible but not intrusive.

  • Visibility: Ads should be placed where users can easily see them. The top or bottom of the screen is often a good choice for banner ads.
  • Context: Ads should fit naturally within the app’s flow. Interstitial ads, for instance, work best when placed at natural transition points.
  • Frequency: Overloading your app with ads can lead to a poor user experience. It’s important to strike a balance between ad frequency and user engagement.

You can check out this guide by Google on effectively placing ads in your app.

Using Ad Filtering to Improve User Experience

Ad filtering allows you to control the ads that appear in your app. This can help improve the user experience and, in turn, boost your revenue.

  • Category filtering: You can block ads from certain categories that may not be relevant to your audience.
  • Ad content rating: You can also set an ad content rating to match your app’s content rating. This ensures that the ads are appropriate for your audience.

Remember, happier users mean more engagement and more engagement means more revenue. Learn more about ad filtering on Google’s AdMob Help Center.

Applying these strategies can significantly enhance your AdMob revenue and make your app profitable.

Analyzing Ad Performance with Google AdMob

Google AdMob is a mobile advertising platform that can generate revenue from your app. But you need to understand and analyze your ad performance to make the most out of it.

Understanding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are crucial metrics that show how effectively your ads perform. Here are some important KPIs you should be tracking

  • Impressions: This metric reflects the total number of times your ad has been displayed. The more impressions your ad receives, the greater visibility it gains.
  • Clicks: These represent the number of times users have clicked on your ads. A higher click rate means better engagement.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks to impressions. A high CTR indicates that your ad is relevant and appealing to users.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): This measures how much you earn each time a user clicks on your ad.
  • Fill Rate: This is the percentage of ad requests filled with an ad. A high fill rate means that Google AdMob successfully serves ads to your requests.

These KPIs are available directly through your Google AdMob account and can provide valuable insights into your ad performance.

Using Google Analytics for AdMob

Google Analytics for Firebase is a powerful tool that integrates with AdMob. It lets you understand how users interact with your app and ads.

With this tool, you can track metrics such as user engagement, sessions, in-app purchases, and ad interactions. This data can help you optimize your ad strategies and maximize your revenue.

You can start by linking your AdMob and Firebase accounts. Once linked, you can view your AdMob data in the Firebase dashboard. The Firebase help center has detailed instructions on how to do this.

Understanding your KPIs and using Google Analytics for AdMob are vital steps towards maximizing your ad revenue. So, analyze your performance today and make the most of Google AdMob.

Tips and Best Practices for Using Google AdMob

“Invest a few moments in thinking. It will pay good interest.”


Google AdMob is a powerful tool that can help you monetize your app and earn passive income. However, it’s essential to understand and implement certain best practices to make the most of it. Let’s dive into what these are:

Ensuring Compliance with Google’s Policies

Firstly and most importantly, ensure you comply with Google’s policies. This includes following AdMob’s content policies and Google Play’s developer distribution agreement. Non-compliance can lead to penalties such as limited ad serving or your account suspension.

Key points to remember include:

  • Avoid encouraging users to click on ads or artificially inflating impressions.
  • Ensure your app content doesn’t violate any policy (e.g., sexually explicit, violent, hate-speech, etc.)
  • Respect user privacy by adhering to data usage policies.

Optimizing for High-Quality Traffic

The quality of traffic on your app plays a crucial role in your AdMob earnings. Higher quality traffic typically leads to better ad engagement and higher revenue. Here are some strategies for optimizing high-quality traffic:

  • Target the right audience: Use Google Analytics to understand users’ behavior and interests. This information can help you target your ads more effectively.
  • Improve your app’s user experience (UX): A good UX can increase user engagement and time spent on your app, leading to more ad impressions. Check out this guide on improving app UX.
  • Update your app regularly: Regular updates improve your app’s performance and show your commitment to providing value, which can attract and retain users.

Utilizing AdMob Mediation for Greater Revenue

AdMob Mediation is a feature that lets you serve ads to your apps from multiple sources, including the AdMob Network, third-party ad networks, and Ad Exchange. By using AdMob Mediation, you can maximize your fill rate and increase your monetization by ensuring that you always serve the highest-paying ad available.

Here’s how you can utilize AdMob Mediation effectively:

  • Integrate multiple ad networks: AdMob Mediation allows you to work with over 40 ad networks, so don’t restrict yourself to just one. Here’s a handy guide on how to set up AdMob Mediation.
  • Use Ad Network Optimization (ANO): ANO automatically orders the ad networks to ensure the highest paying network serves the ad. Learn more about it here.

Success with Google AdMob doesn’t come overnight. It requires patience, experimentation, and continuous learning. But with these tips and best practices, you’re well on your way to making money through your app. Happy monetizing!

Case Studies of Successful AdMob Monetization

Google AdMob has been a game-changer for many businesses, helping them increase ad revenue and achieve financial independence. Let’s delve into three successful case studies:

Case Study 1: Fingersoft

Fingersoft, a renowned gaming company, leveraged the power of AdMob to boost its ad revenue. The company regarded AdMob as the bedrock of app monetization and promotion due to its high ad fill rates and effective Cost per thousand impressions (CPM). Learn more about Fingersoft’s success with AdMob.

Case Study 2: Freaking Math

The educational app, Freaking Math, saw a whopping 2000% revenue increase by integrating Google AdMob. The platform proved to be an ideal revenue generation solution for several reasons, including its user-friendly interface and efficient ad display. Interested in finding out more? Check out this Freaking Math case study.

Case Study 3: StickyHands

StickyHands, a popular mobile application, witnessed a 20% surge in ad revenue after switching to AdMob and trying bidding. The app developers were able to optimize their ad strategies and maximize their revenue potential. You can read more about StickyHands’ journey with AdMob here.

These case studies illustrate that AdMob can be a potent tool for businesses aiming to monetize their applications effectively. It’s not just about integrating the tool but also about understanding its capabilities and leveraging them appropriately to maximize ad revenue. AdMob can pave the way to financial independence with the right strategy.

How to Make Money with Google AdMob FAQs

How much does AdMob pay per 1,000 views?

AdMob’s payment per 1,000 views can vary. The eCPM (effective Cost per mille) is typically between $0.02 – $1 for 1000 impressions. However, some sources suggest that advertisers could expect eCPM rates to range between $10 and $50 per 1,000 impressions. AdMob matches ads to your app based on the criteria you set. The more relevant the ads are to your app users, the more money you can earn from AdMob.

Does AdMob only pay for clicks?

No, AdMob doesn’t only pay for clicks. AdMob provides a way to earn money using Cost per click (CPC) and Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) ads. This means you can earn money whenever users interact with ads shown in your app or simply view them. The amount you earn can vary greatly depending on the ad type and the engagement it receives.

Does AdMob pay more than AdSense?

AdMob and AdSense serve different purposes. AdSense is used for websites, while AdMob is used for mobile apps. The revenue can vary greatly depending on various factors like the quality of traffic, advertiser demand, and user location. In some cases, AdMob might pay more if your Android app has high engagement and meets the AdMob policies.

Does AdMob pay daily?

No, AdMob does not pay daily. The payments are usually processed monthly. Once your earnings reach the payment threshold, Google will transfer it to your bank account.

Which AdMob ads pay the most?

The type of AdMob ads that pay the most can vary greatly depending on the Android application and the user base. However, video ads generally have a higher eCPM than other ad formats. Interstitial ads and rewarded video ads can also help maximize your revenue. Experimenting with different ad formats and placements within your app is important to find what works best.

How to Make Money with Google AdMob Conclusion

Making money with Google AdMob is not just a dream; it’s a reality for many app developers. You can earn from AdMob immediately by adding ad units to your app code. This process is made even simpler by the fact that AdMob works with its network and third-party ad networks to ensure the highest-performing ads will be shown to your app users. When creating ad units, you can choose where you want the ads to appear when you add the ad units. This gives you control over the app ad spaces available, essentially letting you create ad space where it best fits within your app or game.

However, remember that making money using AdMob isn’t a free-for-all. There are AdMob policies to keep in mind, violations of which could disable your AdMob account, leading to the termination of your account. So, be sure to follow the rules! But don’t let this deter you. With over 1 million apps using the AdMob SDK, it’s clear that you can easily make money with Google Ads as long as you publish your app on Google Play and handle all the behind-the-scenes work of billing advertisers and networks for the ads shown. Your first app must make your app ad spaces available by creating ad units. Once ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products, they’ll pay different prices for different ads. This means you have the potential to earn more money, especially with high CPMs. And remember, if you ever want to disable ad serving or show house ads instead, AdMob makes it easy. So why wait? Start earning today!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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