9 Simple Ways To Help You Organize Personal Finances | Wildchildretire

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Life got you stressed because you need help organizing your financial life?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Here we’ll go over why it’s crucial to organize your money and structure your finances to help you save and make more income.

I can speak from experience. Once my wife and I started tracking our finances, we were able to make big moves. We eventually bought three homes outright and became the 1st ever millionaires in our family.

So if you’re interested in seeing how a budgeting app like Personal Capital can EASILY tidy up your finances, or how the simple process of cleaning your home can help organize your finances…

Check out the helpful read below! 😁

Why Is Organizing Your Finances Important?

Less Debt

two men carrying a large bag that says debt

One of the main reasons people choose to get their finances is to reduce their debt. This could be debt from credit cards, student loans, car payments, or any other type of debt. By taking control of your finances and getting a clear picture of your money, you can identify areas where you can cut back or eliminate spending. You may also be able to negotiate lower interest rates with your creditors, which can help you get out of debt more quickly.

More Savings

Another reason to get your finances in order is to boost your savings. You may just have to save money on a low income, or you may be recovering your finances after a divorce. If you are not currently doing those or saving for retirement or an emergency fund, now is the time to start.

Even if you are already saving, you may be able to increase your contributions or find other ways to grow your nest egg. Organizing your finances can also help you make the most of any employer matching programs or other benefits available.

More Investing Opportunities

person sitting next to large cell phone showing that he can invest more because his finances are organized

Organizing your finances can also give you more opportunities to invest. When you clearly understand your financial situation, you can make informed decisions about where to put your cash and how best to grow your wealth. Whether you want to invest in stocks, options, ETFs, or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. A solid financial foundation will help you make the most of your current and future investment opportunities.

No matter your reasons for getting your finances in order, taking control of your finances can help you achieve your financial goals and improve the overall quality of your life. So why not take the time to get your finances in order today?

And with user-friendly apps like Robinhood, you can be on the go or chilling on the couch at home and start investing and growing your wealth today with a few taps of your finger on your phone. 😊

Less Stress

For many people, managing their finances is a source of stress. This is especially true if you struggle to keep up with bills or pay off debt. But when you get your finances in order and take control of your money situation, this stress tends to diminish significantly. There is less uncertainty and less worry about how you will make ends meet. Instead, you can focus on the things in life that matter to you and enjoy your money without the burden of stress.

So if you are looking for a way to reduce your stress and enjoy life more, getting your finances in order is something to consider.

More Time

Another great benefit of getting your finances in order is that it can give you more time to enjoy life. When you are not worried about money, you can spend your time doing the things you love. You can also use your extra time to focus on other essential areas of your life, such as your career or your family.

Do yourself a favor, get your finances on track so you can start having more good times with friends and family. ☺️

Financial Independence

person sitting on money financially independent because he organized his finances

In addition to the benefits listed above, getting your finances in order can help you achieve financial independence when you are not burdened by debt. And when you have a substantial saving and investment plan in place, you can feel confident that you will be able to support yourself financially, no matter what happens. This can give you a great sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you are in control of your financial future.

9 Easy Ways To Get Your Financial Life In Order

1. Download and Use A Budgeting App

person on a budget app organizing his finances

One of the easiest ways to get your financial situation is by downloading and using a budgeting app. Many different budgeting apps are available, but one of the most straightforward and robust is Personal Capital.

Whether you want a simple budget, an extensive retirement plan, or advice from a professional, Personal Capital has it all, and it’s FREE!

By using a budgeting app, you can easily see where your money is going each month and change your spending habits. You can set spending goals and track your progress, automatically categorize and analyze your transactions, create a customized budget, receive alerts when you reach your spending limit, etc.

They can also help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. Whether you are working to pay off debt, save for a significant purchase, or better manage your day-to-day expenses.

So if you are looking for an easy way to get your finances squared away, you might want to give Personal Capital a try. 😊

2. Eliminate Paper Copies of Financial Records

Another easy way to get your finances is to eliminate paper copies of financial records. For example, suppose you have a file cabinet full of old bills, investment account statements, and other financial documents. In that case, it can be challenging to know where to start. But by digitizing these records and storing them electronically, you can declutter your home and simplify your financial life.

There are many different ways to digitize financial records. For example, you can use a document scanner to scan and save paper records electronically. Or you can take photos of paper records using your smartphone and then store them in a secure cloud-based storage service.

Once your financial records are digitized, you can easily access them from any device. Share them with your accountant or financial advisor, and search for specific information when you need it.

If you want to simplify your financial life while also reducing paper documents, this is something you should think about.

3. Keep Your Bills In One Spot


One of the best ways to conquer your finances is to keep your bills in one spot. This way, you can easily see all of your bills at a glance and make sure that you are not missing any important due dates.

There are many different options for keeping track of your bills.

For example, you can use a simple spreadsheet or an online bill tracker. Or you can invest in personal finance software like Quicken, which allows you to easily keep track of all of your bills and organize them by the due date.

Whatever method you choose, the key is to find a system that works for you and your budget. That way you can stay ahead of your finances and avoid late fees or other financial setbacks.

4. Pay Your Bills ASAP With Autopayments

If you want to avoid late fees and simplify your life, consider setting up auto payments for your bills. With autopayments, your accounts will be automatically paid each month on the date you specify. This way, you can ensure that your bills are always paid on time without remembering to do them yourself.

To set up auto payments, contact your creditors and provide them with the information for your bank accounts. Then, set up a recurring payment from your bank account to pay each bill. Most banks offer this service for free, so there is no reason not to take advantage of it.

By setting up autopayments, you can avoid late fees, save cash on postage expenses, and simplify your financial life.

Start here if you’re searching for a simple technique to manage your money better.

5. Use Cash Only

cash only sign

If you are trying to handle your spending, one strategy you may want to consider is using cash only for discretionary spending and fixed expenses. With this approach, you will use some money to pay for groceries, gas, entertainment, clothing, and other everyday costs. In addition, this is a more visual way to track your spending and help you stay on top of your budget.

6. Assign Household Roles and Responsibilities

Suppose you live with a spouse or partner. In that case, it is important to assign household roles and responsibilities to manage finances. This way, each person knows their specific tasks and can work together to stay on top of the family budget.

For example, one household member may be in charge of paying monthly bills. At the same time, another takes care of budgeting, and a third person manages the family’s investments. No matter what roles you assign, it is vital to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows their responsibilities.

7. Clean Your Home

clean home helps with organizing personal finances

If you want to save more, one of the best places to start is cleaning your home. This may seem like a strange tip, but it can save you a lot of income in the long run.

For example, if you have a cluttered home, you may be more likely to buy new items or replace broken things. You may also waste time looking for specific items or cleaning supplies, which can add up over time.

To save and simplify your life, consider investing in a few home organizations and deep cleaning tools, like storage containers, a vacuum, or a mop and broom. You may also want to hire a professional cleaning service once or twice a year to help you keep your home clean and help it stay organized.

8. Schedule Me Time To Destress And Recharge

To stay ahead of your finances, you also need to take care of yourself. This means managing your money and taking time to destress and recharge.

One way to do this is by scheduling “me time” into your week. This can be anything from taking a yoga class to reading a book or going for a walk. Whatever it is, make sure it is something that you enjoy, which helps you destress and recharge.

9. Get Professional Help

Find that managing your finances is overwhelming or stressful. Then, it may be a good idea to consider getting professional help. Many certified financial planners or counselors can help you develop a budget, get out of debt, and make sound financial decisions.

While there is usually a fee associated with these services, it is often worth it to have someone else help you manage your finances. This way, you can focus on other aspects of your life and avoid the stress and worry of managing money. So if you are struggling to manage your finances on your own, consider reaching out to a professional financial today.


Why Is Personal Finance A Sensitive Topic?

Personal finance is often a sensitive topic because it can involve discussions about money, spending habits, and income level. Many people are reluctant to talk about these topics because they are worried about how others may perceive them or judge their financial situation.

Why Am I Late On My Bill Payments All The Time?

There can be several reasons why you are often late on your bill payments. First, you may not have a budget to see where your money is going each month. This can make it challenging to make ends meet and pay all of your bills on time. Additionally, you may have a lot of unexpected or unexpected expenses that come up suddenly.

How Do I Organize My Finances In Excel?

Create a budget worksheet where you list all of your income and expenses in separate columns. This can help you see your income each month and where you may need to make cuts.

Another option is to create a Debt Reduction Planner, which can help you see how much debt you can pay within a specific time frame.

Finally, consider using a financial goal tracking sheet, which can help you visualize your progress and stay motivated as you work toward your goals.

How Will Organizing Your Financial Documents Help You?

Organizing your financial documents can help you in many ways. First, it can make it easier to find specific documents when you need them. This can help save time and reduce stress, especially if you often need to access financial information quickly.

Additionally, organizing your documents can help you keep track of your finances and spot any potential problems or red flags. This can help you take corrective action and avoid financial difficulties.

What Is The 50 20 30 Budget Rule?

The 50 20 30 budget rule is a simple method for creating and managing your household budget. This rule states that you should allocate 50% of your income to essential expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries. In addition, 20% should be set aside for savings goals or paying off debt. Finally, 30% can be used for discretionary expenses like entertainment or shopping.


So there you have it, our 9 simple tips to help get your finances in order. You may not be able to do everything on this list overnight, but start small and work your way up.

Remember, getting organized is an essential step toward financial freedom. And once you’ve got your finances under control, you can focus on reaching other money goals.

So go forth and become a financial organization master!

What tip will you use first to organize your finances?

Will you use a user-friendly budgeting app like Personal Capital?

Or will you tidy your house up with a new Roomba to help clear your mind?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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