57 Best Things To Sell At Farmers Markets | Wildchildretire

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Key Takeaways for “57 Best Things To Sell At Farmers Markets”:

  • Selling gourmet sandwiches and hand soaps can be a lucrative farmer’s market opportunity. 
  • If you’re looking for fairs nearby, SimplyLocal.com is a great platform to find them. 
  • If you need some quick and effortless cash, head over to Surveyjunkie.com.
things to sell at farmers markets

If you’re curious about the products that sell well at farmers’ markets, we’ve got you covered.

Our list of 57 popular items, valuable tips for succeeding as a vendor, and additional information will support your journey. 

So, without further ado, let’s start selling!

What Are The Most Profitable Things To Sell At A Farmers Market?

The Fresh Produce Staples (1-12)


Farmers’ markets are synonymous with fresh produce, and it’s no surprise that fruits and vegetables are often the main attraction. Organic produce is an excellent way to draw in health-conscious customers who value quality and sustainability. Some popular organic fruits and vegetables to consider selling include:

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Berries
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce

To make your offerings stand out, try incorporating unique or exotic varieties of fruits and vegetables that customers may need help finding at their local grocery store.

Another staple of any good farmers’ market is freshly baked bread. Nothing like the smell of warm, crusty bread wafting through the air to make customers’ mouths water. Consider selling:

  • Sourdough loaves
  • Baguettes
  • Focaccia
  • Whole-grain bread

Next up on the list is artisanal cheeses. From creamy brie to sharp cheddar, every preference has a cheese. Plus, offering samples to customers is a surefire way to win them over.

  • Artisanal cheeses

Rounding out our list of staples are free-range eggs and gourmet mushrooms. These items are always in demand and can be a great addition to your market booth.

  • Free-range eggs
  • Gourmet mushrooms

Sweet Treats and Savory Delights (13-27)

Now let’s dive into my favorites: sweet treats and savory delights. Homemade jams and preserves are a classic farmers market offering that customers love. Get creative with flavors and combinations, like strawberry-basil or peach-ginger.

  • Homemade jams and preserves

Freshly squeezed juices are another hit at farmers’ markets. Offering unique blends like carrot-orange-ginger or watermelon-mint can set you apart.

  • Freshly squeezed juices

Dried fruits and nuts are a tasty, healthy snack many customers appreciate. Offer a variety of options, such as:

  • Dried apricots
  • Dried figs
  • Almonds
  • Cashews

Locally sourced honey is not only delicious but also has numerous health benefits. In addition, selling honey can be a great way to showcase local flora and support local bee populations.

  • Locally sourced honey

Handmade pasta is a labor of love and can be a big draw at a farmers market. Experiment with different flavors and shapes to create a unique product offering.

  • Handmade pasta

Who can resist artisanal chocolates? From truffles to bars, there’s a chocolate treat for everyone. And if you can create unique flavors or beautiful designs, your chocolates will be hard to resist.

  • Artisanal chocolates

Gourmet sauces and condiments can elevate any meal. Consider selling items like:

  • Gourmet ketchup
  • Aioli
  • Chimichurri
  • Pesto

Lastly, remember to cater to customers with dietary restrictions or preferences. For example, offer gluten-free and vegan options to ensure everyone can enjoy your products.

  • Gluten-free and vegan treats

Beverages and Refreshments (28-34)

coffee things to sell at farmers markets

Nothing beats sipping on a refreshing beverage while strolling through a farmers market. Organic coffee beans and tea blends are a great addition to your product lineup, primarily if you can source them locally or offer unique flavors.

  • Organic coffee beans
  • Tea blends

Kombucha and fermented beverages have gained popularity recently due to their numerous health benefits. Experiment with different flavors and offer samples to entice customers.

  • Kombucha
  • Fermented beverages

Freshly roasted nuts make for a delicious and satisfying snack. Offer options like almonds, cashews, or pecans, and consider adding flavored varieties such as cinnamon sugar or spicy chili.

  • Freshly roasted nuts

Cold-pressed oils like olive, avocado, or walnut oil are delicious and have numerous health benefits. Offer small bottles for customers to try and larger ones for those who love the flavor.

  • Cold-pressed oils

Finally, remember the increasing demand for dairy alternatives. Nut, oat, and other non-dairy options can greatly add to your product offerings.

  • Dairy alternatives

Handcrafted Items and Eco-Friendly Products (35-44)

Handmade soaps, skincare products, and candles look beautiful and make great gifts. Get creative with scents, colors, and packaging to create a truly unique product.

  • Handmade soaps
  • Skincare products
  • Candles

Eco-friendly household items like reusable produce bags, beeswax wraps, or bamboo toothbrushes are practical and help customers reduce their environmental impact.

  • Eco-friendly household products

There’s something special about giving or receiving fresh-cut flowers and bouquets. Offering a variety of blooms and arrangements can brighten up your booth and make customers smile.

  • Fresh-cut flowers and bouquets

Remember our furry friends! Organic pet treats are an excellent addition to any farmers market booth, and pet owners will appreciate the extra care and attention given to their beloved companions.

  • Organic pet treats

Handwoven baskets and textiles can add a touch of warmth and craftsmanship to your product offerings. Collaborate with local artisans or try creating these beautiful items yourself.

  • Handwoven baskets
  • Textiles

Lastly, handcrafted wooden kitchenware like cutting boards, spoons, and bowls are functional and make for beautiful, long-lasting gifts.

  • Handcrafted wooden kitchenware

Gourmet Food and Ready-to-Eat Options (45-57)

One of the best parts of visiting a farmers market is indulging in delicious ready-to-eat meals and treats. Offering gourmet sandwiches, wraps, and wood-fired pizza will entice customers to grab a bite while they shop.

  • Gourmet sandwiches
  • Wraps
  • Wood-fired pizza

Freshly made salads and grain bowls are healthy and satisfying options many customers will appreciate. Offer a variety of options with fresh, seasonal ingredients.

  • Freshly made salads
  • Grain bowls

Nothing says “treat yourself” like gourmet popcorn and artisanal sodas. These fun and nostalgic items can be a hit with kids and adults alike.

  • Gourmet popcorn
  • Artisanal sodas

Remember to cater to various dietary preferences as you consider your product offerings. Vegan, gluten-free, and other allergy-friendly options are essential for ensuring everyone can enjoy your delicious creations.

  • Vegan treats
  • Gluten-free desserts

Finally, consider adding unique and trendy items to your lineup, like edible flowers and microgreens. These beautiful and flavorful additions can elevate dishes and pique customers’ curiosity.

  • Edible flowers
  • Microgreens

5 Tips To Successfully Sell At Farmers Markets

tips light bulb

Farmers markets are the perfect place to showcase your passion and creativity while connecting with your local community. If you need help deciding what to sell or how to make a profit selling homemade items or freshly grown produce, look no further! In this post, we’ll share five tips to help you successfully sell at a farmers market and turn the market season into a thriving farmers market business.

Offer Unique and High-Quality Items

To stand out among other market stands, focus on offering unique items that customers won’t find elsewhere. Handmade items like soaps, beauty products, and specialty food can set you apart. Additionally, ensure the quality of your products is top-notch, whether it’s fresh fruits and vegetables or delicious baked goods.

Know Your Market and Cater to Its Needs

Research your local farmers market to understand what sells best, and plan to trade items that cater to the preferences of market shoppers. For example, consider selling plant-based food items if you need vegan options. If homemade bread is popular, try making and selling your loaves.

Create an Inviting and Well-Organized Market Stall

Presentation is critical when selling at your local farmers market. Make your market stall visually appealing and easy to navigate with clear signage and pricing. Attractively display your products, and remember to offer samples of food items or beverages. A well-presented stall will attract customers and encourage them to explore your offerings.

Engage With Customers and Share Your Story

Building connections with customers is essential for success at a farmers market. Be friendly and approachable, and share the story behind your products. For example, explain how your homemade soaps are made or the benefits of your hot chocolate mix. By connecting with customers personally, you’ll foster loyalty and encourage repeat business.

Stay Informed of Market Rules and Regulations

Before starting a farmers market business, familiarize yourself with market rules and regulations. This may include obtaining a license to sell food items or adhering to specific guidelines for handmade beauty products. Staying informed and compliant will ensure your market experience runs smoothly without hiccups.

Farmers markets are an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents and support your local community. By offering unique, high-quality products, catering to the needs of your market, creating an inviting stall, engaging with customers, and staying informed of market rules, you’ll be well on your way to a thriving farmers market business. So, get out there, start selling, and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor!


What are three foods that might be sold at a farmers market?

Fruits and vegetables, bread, and dairy products are just a few of the items that can be sold at a farmers market. Other popular items include honey, jams and jellies, sauces, and homemade baked goods.

What is the most profitable thing to sell at a farmers market?

Determining the most profitable thing to sell at a farmers market can vary depending on several factors, such as location, customer preferences, and competition. However, some products consistently perform well and generate good profits. Therefore, when looking to sell at a farmers market, it’s essential to research your local farmer’s market to understand what sells best and identify gaps in the available market items.

One way to find great items to sell is to offer unique, high-quality products catering to specific tastes or interests and, for example, selling artisanal baked goods, specialty beverages, or handmade crafts. These items can stand out from the competition and attract customers looking for something unique and special.

Another strategy is to sell products that cater to current trends or health-conscious consumers. Items such as organic produce, gluten-free baked goods, and plant-based food options often appeal to a broad audience and can be top-selling items.

What can you sell at a farmers market in Ohio?

At Ohio farmers’ markets, vendors can sell various unique and high-quality products, including fresh produce, artisanal baked goods, handmade crafts, specialty beverages, and other locally sourced products. The specific items sold will depend on the location and clientele of each market, but vendors are generally encouraged to offer a diverse range of appealing products to attract customers.

Are farmers markets an excellent way to make money?

Farmers markets can be an excellent way to make money if you have the right products and approach. If you want to sell items that are popular in your local market, it’s essential to research what tends to sell best and cater to the preferences of the market shoppers. Farmers market offers a variety of items you can sell, including fresh vegetables, homemade products, and specialty items that are unique to your offerings.

When considering the products you can sell, think about what will be the best-selling items in your market. It’s essential to sell something that is not only in demand but also allows you to profit from selling your items. Market organizers can provide valuable insight into the types of items popular at farmers’ markets, giving you ideas for products to offer.

Selling at a farmer’s market or local farmer’s market can be profitable if you’re selling products that resonate with customers and stand out from the competition. Additionally, ensure that you have a diverse range of items made with high-quality materials and ingredients, which will help attract more customers to your stand.

What makes a successful farmers market?

A successful farmers market offers diverse, high-quality products and fosters community among its vendors and customers. Effective marketing and promotion also play a crucial role in attracting customers to the market and generating business for vendors.


There you have it—57 fantastic items to sell at farmers markets! As you explore these ideas and create your unique product lineup, remember the importance of supporting local businesses, farms, and artisans. Doing so contributes to a more vibrant and sustainable community.

So dive into your passions and creativity, and discover the joy of selling at farmers markets. With hard work and determination, you can achieve financial independence while positively impacting your community. And who knows, you might inspire others to join the farmers market movement and support local businesses.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for other ways to boost your income, consider signing up for Survey Junkie. It’s a great platform to make extra money by sharing your opinions on various products and services. Every little bit helps when working towards financial independence!

Happy selling, and may your farmers market adventures be fruitful and fulfilling!

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Now that you know what things to sell at farmers markets, stop by survey junkie to score some quick cash before setting up your stand! Tell us how much you made below!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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