Vicki Robin (Bio, Books, Advice) | Wildchildretire

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Key Takeaways:

  • Vicki Robin was a pioneer of FIRE who championed frugality and simple living.
  • She was famous for her book “Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence.”
  • A renowned innovator who firmly believes in aligning your financial goals with your life values.
who is vicki robin

Yes, I know you’re wondering who Vicki Robin is.

Don’t stress. We got you.

We’ll explain exactly who Vicki Robin is and how she impacted the Financial Independence community.

Specifically, her BIO, what books she published, and more.

Let’s check it out.

Who Is Vicki Robin?

person pondering

Some would say she was the “The Queen of Frugality and Simple Living.” This means she put that lifestyle on the map way before it was popularized by any other influencer today. 

But with a little more detail, Vick Robin is an American author, speaker, and prolific social innovator best recognized for her book Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence.

Robin was born in Oklahoma but grew up on Long Island, New York.

At the age of 23, she inherited $20,000 from her grandmother. Not long after that, she went on a road trip across the United States and Mexico. While traveling, she met Joe Dominguez, a former Wall Street financial analyst who retired at 31 with around $100,000.

The two became friends and eventually co-wrote the bestseller, Your Money or Your Life. The book has been featured in People Magazine, Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Weekend Edition, The Morning Edition, National Public Radio, and various television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey show, and has sold over a million copies worldwide.

What Books Did Vicki Robin Publish?

books representing books vicki robin wrote

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Oprah herself stated, “This is a wonderful book. It can change your life.”

In “Your Money or Your Life,” Vicki Robin shows you how to take control of your money and use it to create a life of meaning and purpose. By following the 9-step program in this book, you’ll be able to not only get out of debt and achieve financial independence but also begin making a difference in the world.

Inside the book, it’s proven that there are ways to save money are often found by being mindful and developing good habits, not just by sticking to a budget. Next, you’ll learn how to remove the excess from your life and live a fulfilling existence for a long time without breaking the bank. Finally, you’ll discover how to invest your savings and begin generating wealth.

“Your Money or Your Life” is more than just a book on a best seller list about money. It’s a guide to transforming your relationship with money by teaching you practical skills, achieving financial independence, and starting a new American dream. If you’re looking to make a change in your life, this book is a great place to start.

Blessing the Hands That Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us About Food, Community, and Our Place on Earth

In “Blessing the Hands That Feed Us,” Vicki Robin explores the connections between food, community, and the environment.

The book begins with Robin’s experiment of eating only food produced within a 10-mile radius of her home on Whidbey Island, Washington. Through this experiment, she learned the importance of eating locally and supporting the farmers who produce our food.

The book discusses the many benefits of eating locally, reducing environmental issues such as your carbon footprint, supporting your local economy, and building community. Robin also shares recipes and tips for eating closer to home.

“Blessing the Hands That Feed Us” was at the forefront of the sustainable living movement. It’s a fascinating look at the food we eat and its impact on our world, health, and budget. If young and older adults want to know about the 10-mile diet, hyper-local eating, and how you can make a difference, then read this book.

Vicki Robin’s Advice

two people light-bulb

Calculate Your Lifetime Earnings

Vicki does a great job of showing you the importance of accountability and simplicity in your finances. 

She asks that you go through everything you own and put a price tag on it- even things from childhood. This will help give you an understanding of your earning power as well as show how much your net worth is.

It’s a great way to help simplify and minimize down to only the essentials. This will help you focus on what’s important and save money in the long run.

Closely Examine How Much You Earn

A lot of folks don’t realize how much they make. Sure, they may look at the monetary income, do all the fancy budgeting, and think they got a hand on it, but what about all the other things you’re missing that paint the accurate picture?

Vicki requests that you consider the time spent commuting, getting ready for work, decompressing from work, and job hunting when making your decision.

You should also include the money you spend on work lunches, new clothing for your job, any assistance hired to help with areas you’re busy with, and awards you have given yourself for a job well done.

After all this, you may find that your total earnings are much higher than you initially thought! So, the next time you feel like you’re not making enough money, do this exercise first. It may just change your perspective.

Budget, Budget, Budget

She was a champion of the budgets, mainly writing them down, but that info is a little outdated. So how does one go about still following her wisdom?

Personal Capital.

With Personal Capital, you can control your finances and access wealth management services and free financial tools. You can see your entire net worth, analyze your investment portfolio, and get personalized advice to help you reach your financial goals.

So if you want to follow Vicki Robin’s advice and budget like a champ, Personal Capital is the way to go. Sign up for free today and take control of your money!

Align Your Finances With Your Beliefs

And last, but maybe most importantly, your financial vision. How we use our money can be a very telling reflection of our deepest values and beliefs. So Robin and Joe want you to ask yourself, does your spending reflect what you believe in?

For example, let’s say you believe in social justice and equality. But your spending patterns show that you’re constantly buying luxury items for yourself while never donating to causes you care about. In this case, your spending isn’t aligning with your values.

On the other hand, let’s say you donate money to worthy causes and try to buy products made ethically and sustainably. In this case, your spending reflects your values.

The key is to closely examine your spending and see if it aligns with what you believe in. If it’s not, it might be time to make some changes.


Who is Joe Dominguez?

Joe Dominguez was Vicki Robin’s long-time friend and co-author for Your Money or Your Life. He was also a money coach, financial planner, and writer.

What happened to Joe Dominguez?

Joe Dominguez passed away in 1997.

Was Vicki Robin on Oprah?

Yes, Vicki Robin was on Oprah in 1992 and 1995.

Does Vicki Robin have a podcast?

Yes, she has a podcast you can access on her website

What impact did Vicki Robin have on the FIRE community?

Vicki Robin’s book, Your Money or Your Life, was one of the first books to popularize the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). In it, she advocates for a more holistic approach to money management that goes beyond simply saving and investing. Robin’s book has inspired many people to change how they think about money and helped them achieve financial independence before the social security age.


If you’re looking for ways to jumpstart your financial journey, look no further than Vicki Robin. She is a wealth of knowledge, and her books are a great resource if you want to change how you think about money. Applying her advice can help you get on track to becoming financially free.

Related Articles:

What have you learned from Vicki Robin? Based on what she shared in this blog post, are there any steps you plan to take? We would love to hear from you in the comments below!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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