31 Awesome Ways To Enjoy Retirement (And Reclaim Your Childhood Joy) | Wildchildretire

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Twiddling your thumbs on your comfy sofa, bored out your mind, looking for some ways to enjoy retirement?

Here we’ll show you 31 awesome ways to spend your retirement having a blast instead of staring at the grass. 😁

We’re talking about climbing Mount Fuji in Japan, hiking the Appalachian Trail, or maybe starting that fantastic boy band you always dreamed of being in. 😁

Let’s dive right in.

Retirement, How To Keep Busy and Have Fun

1. Start A Blog

person blogging finding a way to have fun in retirement

Starting a blog can be a fun way to spend your retirement. You can write about anything you want, meet new people, and learn new things.

Plus, blogging is something that you can do from the comfort of your own home, and it’s a great way to stay connected to friends and family.

If you want to start a blog of your own, you need to check out Bluehost.

Bluehost is a domain service that allows you to create a self-hosted website for only $2.95 a month!

That means for only 1 dime a day, you have the chance to make over $100,000 a month.

That’s what I’m doing. 😁

2. Start A Business

Then after you get the blog going, why not make it a business?

It can help you meet new people, learn new things, and make extra money.

Besides blogging, there are plenty of businesses you can start without too much money or experience. For example, you could create a landscaping business, an Etsy shop, or even a dog walking service.

No matter what kind of business you want to start, there are plenty of resources to help you get started.

3. Get A Gym Membership

Want to stay swole and meet some cool people?

Get a gym membership.

There are many options out there for gym memberships, so you can find one that fits your budget and lifestyle. If you need help choosing the right one, talk to a fitness consultant, or do some research online.

Whatever you do, make sure you choose a gym with all the necessary equipment and services. And don’t forget to have fun while you’re getting in shape!

4. Play Brain Games

head with a chess piece representing finding a way to have fun in retirement

Roughly 40% of people older than 65% have memory issues.


And depending on what age you are when you retire, you need to account for and try to prevent that.

But how!?

Brain Games.

These games can help keep your mind active and healthy. They can also provide a way to socialize with other people.

There are many different types of brain games available. You can find them online, such as brain-trainer.com, or in stores. The most popular games are sudoku, crosswords, and word searches.

5. Create A Club

Creating or even finding a club to join can be a fun way to spend your retirement. You can meet new people and have fun activities to do together. Here are some tips on how to create a club:

1. Pick a theme or activity that you enjoy. This can be anything from knitting to softball.

2. Find a location that is accessible and affordable for your club members. It’s important to consider this when choosing a meeting place.

3. Choose a time and day that works best for everyone. This will ensure that everyone can attend the meetings.

4. Advertise your club. You can do this by posting flyers around town or sending out emails.

5. Have fun and enjoy your new club!

6. Volunteer Within The Community

5 volunteer workers finding a way to have fun in retirement

After you achieve financial independence and retire early, you should go volunteering.

It’s a terrific way to help out in your community and even give you a sense of purpose.

You can do it by yourself, or with a group of friends. It’s important to help out in your community so that it can thrive and be a great place to live. There are countless ways to volunteer, and if you can’t find one that suits you, you can always start your own project.

There are many reasons why you should volunteer within your community.

First, it provides a way to help your neighbors and meet new people. Second, you can gain valuable skills to help you in your future career. And, of course, just good to give back to the community that has given so much to you.

Suppose you’re not sure where to start. In that case, there are plenty of resources available to help you join a volunteering opportunity that’s right for you.

Local non-profits, churches, and even schools often look for volunteers to help with various tasks.

You can also check online resources, such as VolunteerMatch, to find opportunities in your area.

7. Go To Church More

Going to church more often in retirement has many benefits. First, it can help your soul, and it can be a great way to relax and reflect on your life.

Also, it’s a great way to connect with other people in your community. You can make new friends and build relationships that will last for years.

The church is also a great place to learn new things and grow as an individual. Whether you are interested in music, history, or theology, some likely classes or groups can help you learn more about your faith.

8. Star Gaze

3 person family star gazing finding a way to have fun in retirement

Stargazing can be a fun way to spend your time in retirement. When you look at the stars, you are looking at the universe. This can be a very calming and relaxing activity. It can also help you learn about astronomy.

There are many ways to get involved in stargazing. You can get a telescope or look through someone else’s telescope. You can go to an event or join a club. You can also go out by yourself and just look at the stars.

9. Become A Mentor

mentor mentoring

Becoming a mentor is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

Every day you mentor, you get to help young people and see them learn and grow. Often, you will see mentorees overcome their struggles and become successful.

It’s a highly beneficial experience for both the younger person being mentored and the mentor. In addition, it allows you to give back to your community and make a difference in someone’s life.

Whether you have years of experience in a particular field or are just beginning your career, you have something valuable to share with the next generation.

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor try findamentor.com.

10. Journal

Journaling allows you to reflect on your life. You can look back and see how you have grown over time. You can also remember things like your first kiss with your spouse or the birth of your children. It helps you keep track of your life and see how far you have come.

If you want to remember what happened on your first day of school or the first time you tried new food, journaling is the perfect place to do so.

11. Write A Book

woman writing a book finding a way to have fun in retirement

Some people like to write books in their retirement. This can be a fun way to use your imagination, brainstorm ideas, tell a story, or document your expertise in a particular area.

Whether you want to write fiction about a magical space pirate who saves the world, or document your skills as a weight-loss technician, writing a book is a great way to spend your free time.

If you are interested in writing a book, I highly suggest using Jasper.ai.

Jasper.ai is an artificial intelligence copywriting tool that can help you write a book in as little as 7 days!

12. Scrap Book

2 people scrapbooking

Making a scrapbook can be a fun way to reflect on your life. You can document your life through pictures, quotes, stories, and mementos. It’s an excellent way to look back on the past and remember all the good times you have had.

Creating a scrapbook can be simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. You can use a store-bought scrapbook or make you’re own physical or digital.

And if you want t go the digital route, I would highly recommend you give adobe’s free scrapbook maker a try.

You’ll be glad you did. 😊

13. Spend Time With Family

Spending time with your family is a very important aspect of retirement. You will get to spend more time with the people you love the most, which you can’t get back.

Some people may think that retirement is a time for relaxing, but that’s not necessarily true. Instead, many retirees find that they are busier than ever before.

That’s why it’s crucial to make the most of your time with your family, whether creating new memories or simply enjoying each other’s company. After all, the time you spend with them is precious, and you don’t know how long you will have with them.

14. Baby Sit

Babysitting is a great way to stay young at heart and mobile on the knees.

And it’s also really fun to smile at children and see their reactions. 😊

Whether you’re watching your kids, nieces, nephews, or just friends’ children, babysitting is fun and can help you stay young.

There’s nothing like the joy that a child brings to your life. Whether they are your own or someone else, there’s nothing like spending time with young ones to keep you feeling young yourself.

15. Get A Dog

Dogs are great companions, and they can help you stay physically active with walks and playtime. They provide love and support when times are tough, and they allow you to enjoy life by giving you something to talk about healthy by taking walks with you. They’re always there for you, no matter what, and that’s why dogs are man or woman’s best friend.

16. Learn A New Language

texted languages representing finding a way to have fun in retirement

Learning a new language is great for the brain. It can help prevent Alzheimer’s and make you sound cool!

Bilingualism has been linked with higher cognitive function and improved executive control.

Knowing a second language can also help improve your first language.

So if you’re interested in becoming a super cool multilanguage-speaking person, you should definitely try Rocketlanguages.com.

Rocketlanguages allows you to study any time or anywhere and tailor a learning plan that fits your unique style so you can retain the information better.

17. Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

woman playing guitar  finding a way to have fun in retirement

Some people think that you don’t need to learn a musical instrument when you’re older. But that’s not true! There are so many reasons why learning to play a musical instrument can be great for people of all ages.

For example, it helps to keep your brain active and sharp, it helps you relieve stress, and it can be a fun social activity.

And if you want to learn from the comfort of your home, check out Skillshare.com.

Imagine learning to play the guitar on Skillshare and then busting out a catchy tune to impress your newest friends at a party.

You’re a true hero. 😁

18. Run A Marathon

When you retire, running a marathon can have many health benefits. These include living longer, having a sharper brain, and being in a better mood.

You also get to travel the world on foot!

It provides a unique opportunity to see the small parts of a city that you would never have noticed otherwise.

And I can tell you from experience. After running long distances, your sense of accomplishment is enormous. You feel like you can tackle anything, and that feeling will stay with you long after the race is over. 😁

(It’s also one of the best ways to enjoy life without money. 😊)

19. Climb A Mountain

I climbed Mount Fuji in Japan around the 2011 timeframe.

It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever been part of.

It was 8 hours up and 4 hours down.

People from all walks of life were there. My wife and I were passed by a pack of 2nd graders and a group of older adults in their 70s.

There we’re clouds, mountain tops and edges, birds, sun, rain…

I got a spiritual fix. I felt connected to something bigger than myself.

You can get an up-close and personal view of the world that you would never see from the ground.

20. Hike The Appalachian Trail

When you go hiking on the Appalachian Trail, you see all kinds of interesting people, bugs, and nature. You also test yourself by seeing how much you can handle while on the trail.

Some people hike the trail because they want to get back to nature and experience everything it offers. In contrast, others hike to complete a goal they have set for themselves.

Whatever the reason you decide to go hiking on the Appalachian Trail, it will definitely be an experience you won’t forget.

21. Swim

Swimming is excellent for staying in shape and improving your overall health as a young person or old. It is also a great activity to enjoy with friends and family, whether splashing around in the pool or taking a leisurely swim in the ocean.

22. Knit Clothes For Those In Need

Many people in this world need clothes, and retired people can knit clothes to help make their lives a little easier. Not only does this help people in need, but it also gives retired people something to do with their time, which is good for both the knitter and the recipient of the clothing.

23. Yoga

There are many benefits to doing yoga in retirement. Yoga can help you stay active, flexible, healthy, and calm. There are also many great online yoga apps and websites that can help you get started.

One of the most significant benefits of yoga is that it helps with flexibility and range of motion. As we get older, our bodies tend to become stiffer and less flexible. Yoga can help increase your flexibility and range of motion, making everyday activities easier.

24. Meditate

man meditating

When you retire, it can be a great time to start meditating. This can help improve your mental and physical health and help you focus your mind on the tasks.

Meditation is a wonderful way to reduce stress and improve overall wellness. When you are sitting in quiet contemplation, your mind can focus on your thoughts and goals, helping you achieve clarity and peace of mind.

If you’re interested in finding some meditation books and courses, I would highly suggest Shambhala.

Shambhala is a family-owned company focused on producing books and courses to improve people’s lives.

25. Wood Work

Woodworking can be a fun way to use your retirement time. You can build things to give away as presents or sell for some extra cash (maybe your this hobby into a full-time money machine!). Some things you can build are birdhouses, furniture, and bookshelves.

26. Dance

Dancing is an awesome way to meet new people and have a blast.

You can share smiles with everyone you meet.

You never know, you might even find a new best friend or meet a special someone!

So put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to have a great time!

27. Help Out At Schools

Helping out at schools is probably one of the most important things you can do in retirement.

You can revisit memories from when you were a child. You can also help the children have a more positive experience at school.

You can help out at schools, from volunteering in the classroom to mentoring students one-on-one.

For example, you could work with younger children to help them learn essential reading and writing skills. Or, you could help high school students prepare for college by providing advice and guidance.

28. Volunteer At The Maternity Ward

Volunteering at a maternity ward can be a very rewarding experience. It can give you the chance to hold new babies and look into their innocent eyes. There is also something about this environment that can make you reflect on your life journey.

It can show you how far you have come and help you appreciate the time you still have on this earth.

29. Buy An RV and Explore The U.S.

You might want to buy an RV and explore the United States when you retire.

With an RV, you’ll be able to see a lot of different places and meet new people.

You can retire early and enjoy your retirement years traveling the country with the love of your life. 😊

30. Travel The World

I have been blessed to travel to other countries.

I have been blessed to taste different kinds of food, learn about other cultures, and see beautiful places and animals.

And you can do the same when you retire. 😊

Suppose you’re a bit hesitant, or maybe just want to start small. In that case, you can travel to nearby destinations such as Canada or Mexico before moving on to more exotic places.

31. Take A Cooking Class

person having fun in retirement taking a cooking class

Taking a cooking class is a great way to spend quality time with your partner and learn a new skill.

These classes are especially beneficial for retirees, as they can provide an opportunity to socialize and learn new techniques.

There are many different cooking classes available, from beginner to advanced.

Popular cooking classes include Italian, French, dessert-making, and Asian cuisine. And if you want to learn from the comfort of your own home, you can use Skillshare.


How Do I Approach Retirement?

Planning for retirement can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to start early and make a budget. Decide how much money you’ll need to live comfortably, and make sure you have a solid retirement savings plan. And if you need further financial assistance, you could try talking to a Merrill Lynch advisor.

What Should I Do First When I Retire?

Some people recommend that you take some time to relax and enjoy your newfound freedom. Others suggest that you start planning your days and weeks to make the most of your retirement.

What Do Retirees Do All Day?

Many retired folks enjoy traveling, spending time with family, and volunteering. Others may choose to start a new business or hobby, go back to school, or do something completely different from what they did during their working years.

What Can Retirees Do To Stay Busy?

There are many things retired people can do to stay occupied. Some people choose to continue working, while others enjoy a hobby such as traveling or simply spending time with family and friends. There are also many opportunities to volunteer and get involved in the community.

How Do You Enjoy Retirement On A Budget?

One way to enjoy retirement on a budget is to find free or discounted activities in your community, such as visiting the library, taking nature walks, or attending a community meeting. Another way to enjoy retirement on a budget is to seek out inexpensive hobbies, such as joining a book club or starting gardening.


So there you have it, 31 simple ways to enjoy your retirement and avoid total boredom. We hope these ideas inspire you to get out there and start enjoying the retired life!

It’s important to note that everyone is different, and some of these activities may not appeal to you. Be creative and develop your own fun things to do – just make sure they involve getting active and spending time with loved ones. And most importantly, have fun!

What suggested retirement activities will you try?

Will you start a new blog with Bluehost and write about your life’s adventures?

Or will you become the next big musician by learning how to play the guitar on Skillshare?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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