11 Great Reasons Why You Should Save Money | Wildchildretire

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Hello! Welcome to “11 Great Reasons Why You Should Save Money”.

Here you’ll learn the importance of saving money.

The awesome reasons in this post motivated me to accomplish big things in my life, such as:

  • Fast-tracking my goal of financial independence to the age of 41.
  • I paid off my 1st home before age 31.
  • Work less and pursue my passion for blogging.

So if you’re interested in finding out how you can stress less, retire earlier, or even build generational wealth because of a large savings, CHECK OUT THE EASY READ BELOW!

Let’s go over some great reasons why you should save money. 😊

Why Should You Save Money?

1. Financial Independence

man flying with money strapped to his arms because he knows why you should save money and got financially independent

One great importance of saving money is that it gives you the opportunity to accumulate wealth and achieve financial independence at a young age. Financial independence is when you have enough income coming in each month to cover your primary expenses. This means that you are able to do what you please with the money that you have leftover. This could include traveling, buying a new car, or even retiring early.

Saving money is one of the best things that you can do for your future. Not only does it give you the opportunity to be financially independent, but it also allows you to have tackle life’s unforeseen expenses with ease. If something unexpected comes up, you will have the money to cover it.

It is never too late to start saving money. Even if you are in your twenties or thirties, it is never too late to get started. The earlier you start, the better, but it is never too late to make a change. If you are not currently saving money, start small and work your way up.

2. Bigger Emergency Fund

Most experts recommend keeping three to six months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund. This is because if a financial emergency comes up, you’ll be able to pay cash to cover it without having to go into debt.

However, there are some situations where you may want to have a bigger financial safety net. For example, if you have a job that is in danger of being cut or if you have a family member who is chronically ill and you need to be able to cover their medical bills.

Saving money is the best way to grow your emergency fund. You can either put money into a savings account or invest it in a mutual fund. Both of these options will give you access to your money if you need it, but the mutual fund will give you a higher return on your investment.

No matter what, it is important to have some money saved up for emergencies.

3. Less Stress

man meditating stress free because he knows why you should save money to eliminate money stressors

If you don’t have a lot of money saved up, it can be very stressful when something unexpected comes up. This is because you might not have enough money to cover the costs.

In fact, a 2018 study by Varo Money showed that 85% of Americans sometimes stress about money, but 30% stress ALL THE TIME!

So how do I lower all this money stress!?!


This is because you will have a buffer in case something unexpected happens. So, if you want to reduce your stress levels, start saving more money today!

4. More Investment Opportunities

bar graph with coin symbols

There are many opportunities to invest your money, but the best way to grow your savings is to start with small investments and gradually increase them as your savings grow.

There are many different types of investments to choose from, and you can invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, and many other options. However, it is important to do your research before investing in any type of security, and to consult with a financial advisor to make sure you are making the best choices for your individual situation.

If you are looking for more investment opportunities, I would recommend investing with Vanguard. They are an extremely user-friendly company that allows you to invest in the stock market from the seat of your couch!

Easy setup:

  1. Create an account
  2. Pick an investment
  3. Watch your savings grow!

So, there you go…

Save more money so you can get rich like Warren Buffet. 😁

5. More Vacations

post cards from around the world

Americans are taking fewer vacations, and it is costing them in the long run. A 2018 survey revealed that 44 percent of Americans said they did not have the money for a vacation. That is a shame because vacations offer many benefits, including mental and physical health benefits, productivity benefits, and financial benefits.

6. Less Time Working

There are many benefits to working less, including having more time to spend with family and friends, having more time for hobbies and interests, having more time to travel, and getting a small taste of financial freedom.

Additionally, working less can lead to a more relaxed and happier lifestyle, which can also improve your health.

All of these benefits can add up to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. By having a good savings plan, you can work less and enjoy life more!

7. Pay Off Your Home Loan

Paying off your home loan can be a great way to save money and build wealth. When you own your home outright, you don’t have to worry about monthly payments on a mortgage, and you can use the extra money to invest or save for retirement.

True home ownership can also improve your credit score. A higher credit score can lead to lower interest rates on car loans, mortgages, types of credit, and other big expenses.

If you’re able to pay off life’s largest living expenses sooner than expected, you can also save a lot of money in interest payments. For example, if you have a $200,000 mortgage with a 5% interest rate, you could pay over $180,000 in interest by the time the loan is paid off!

That’s almost the amount of the purchase price!

So if you’re able to, start saving for a down payment today so that you can pay off that big purchase sooner rather than later!

Your future self will thank you. 😊

8. Better Retirement

a couple relaxing retired on the beach because they know why you should save money

A recent study by the National Institute on Retirement Security showed that 37% of working Americans are falling short of what they need to have a secure retirement. The majority of them don’t have enough savings, having at most, $5,000 in their accounts.

These money problems are major, especially since people are living longer and need more money to support themselves in retirement. The good news is that there are steps you can take to improve your personal finance situation and retirement outlook.

If you have more money saved, you will be in a much better position to enjoy a comfortable retirement. So make it a priority to start saving early. You may want to consider using a retirement calculator to help you figure out how much you need to save each month in order to reach your retirement goals.

There are also a number of different retirement savings accounts available, such as 401(k)s and IRAs. So take advantage of these accounts and start saving for your retirement today.

9. Kids College Education

two young adults standing happy at a college graduation because they graduated

There is no question that saving money can help put your kids through college. In fact, a recent study by Sallie Mae found that 66% of parents who saved for their children’s college education did so in order to give them a better chance at attending. And while the cost of college continues to increase, so does the amount of financial aid available.

There are a number of ways people save for their children’s education. You can start saving a little money early by setting up a college fund and contributing to it on a regular basis.

You can also take advantage of tax breaks, such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which allows you to claim up to $2,500 per student each year.

10. Generational Wealth

a filled bag of money and a mom and daughter putting money in it

The importance of saving money…

When I ponder what that means to me, I think one thing:

Generational wealth.

When family members save money over time, they can create a pool of assets (like their own business) that they can use to help them weather tough times or provide for their children’s education.

Additionally, when families save money, they are able to take advantage of compound interest, which can help their money grow at a faster rate.

Generational wealth is important because it allows families to maintain their standard of living even when they experience tough times.

Additionally, generational wealth can help families pass down wealth from one generation to the next. This can be helpful because it allows families to keep their assets and provides children with a head start in life.

11. Charity

two men giving groceries to a homeless person because they know why you should save money, for charity donations

One great way to help those in need is by donating money to charity. When you save more money, you are able to give back to your community and help those who are less fortunate. In addition, there are a number of benefits to donating to a charity that goes beyond just helping others.

When you donate to charity, you are doing something good for yourself as well as others. Donating to charity can make you feel good about yourself and can help you feel more connected to your community.

Additionally, donating to charity can help you make new friends and can even help you find a job.

Donating to charity can also have a financial benefit. Often, donations are tax deductible, meaning that you can get a tax break for your donation.

Also, many charities offer matching gift programs, which can double or even triple the amount of your donation.


Is Saving Money A Value In Life?

It’s no secret that saving money is important for achieving success in life. When you have money saved up, you always have some funds just in case of unexpected things. This allows you to be more financially secure and take advantage of opportunities as they come up. So, if you’re looking to achieve success in life, make saving money a priority!

How Does Saving Money Help With Financial Security?

Saving money can help protect you from financial emergencies and gives you greater security. When you have savings, you have a cushion to fall back on if you experience financial hardship. This can help you avoid going into debt and allow you to stay financially secure.

How Many Times A Month Should I Check My Savings Account?

No matter how often you think about it, saving money is always a good idea. Reviewing your savings statement once a month will help ensure you’re on track to reach your financial goals. If you notice any discrepancies, you can take corrective action right away.

Why Is It Important To Save As You Go?

There are a few reasons why it is important to save your money as you go. First, if you have a savings account, you will have a cash reserve for unexpected expenses. Second, if you save your money regularly, you will be able to retire sooner or have more money to live on in retirement. Finally, if you save your money, you will be able to afford more things later in life.

What Are Some Reasons Why Students Should Save Money?

There are many reasons why students should save money. One reason is that it can help them pay for school expenses, like textbooks and tuition. Another reason is that it can help them build a savings account for emergencies.


Saving money is one of the most important things you can do in life. It helps with financial security, allows you to live life to the fullest, and gives you peace of mind. Start saving money today so you can enjoy all that life has to offer!

So do you plan on increasing savings today?

Will you using Vanguard to help you build generational wealth?

Do you have reasons that you save money that you’d like to share?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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