Health Is Wealth: The Beginners Guide To Keeping Your Mind, Body, Soul Fit (Any Age, Any Time) | Wildchildretire

Disclaimer: This site provides informational content, not professional financial/health advice. Consult professionals before making decisions. Some links are affiliates; we may earn a commission. Details here. Now go be awesome.

Hello! Welcome to Health Is Wealth: The Beginners Guide To Keeping Your Mind, Body, Soul Fit (Any Age, Any Time)

If you’re looking for a simple guide too:

  • Keep your Mind sharp.
  • Keep your Body fit.
  • Keep Soul fulfilled.

You’ve come to the right place.

This guide has had HUGE positive impacts in my life including:

  • Lowered my stress, making me a better father, husband, manager.
  • Allowed me to keep my natural body weight, EFFORTLESSLY.
  • Kept me mobile, young, and able to keep up with my young children.

So if you’re interested in figuring out instantly EFFECTIVE meditative techniques that are SIMPLE to implement, STRAIGHTFORWARD diet tips that are for the everyday person and athlete, ways to have fun with friends during your busy schedule, as well as learn how to take a break/connect with a higher power on a daily basis, check out this EASY read below.

Let’s talk about Health is Wealth.

What Is Meant By Health Is Wealth?

woman with green shirt and purple shirt with a dollar sign on her chest doing yoga representing health is wealth

Health is Wealth is where are you are able to be rich without the means of money, but the weight of wealth comes from what percentage your mind, body, and soul are currently operating at. Example: If you are a 60-year-old man that can run and play with his grandkids, only has to visit the doctor for annual checkups, learns/reads/does sudoku every day…that man is operating at 100%…that man is wealthy through health.

7 Awesome Reasons Why Health Is Our Wealth(Your Life Could Instantly Change For The Better After Reading)

blue cartoon person with read heart holding hands open standing in front of coins representing health is wealth

1. Health Is Wealth Because It Can Prevent Chronic Pain

white male with blue shirt brown hair leaning over because he is in chronic pain. This represents if your health is wealth you can prevent the pain

According to, “Researchers estimate that 50 million adults in the United States are dealing with chronic pain. They say chronic pain causes $80 billion in lost wages every year.

Those numbers are astounding!

Unfortunately, I can relate.

I myself have a chronic pain issue. A pinched nerve from years of bad posture at a desk job caused.

For years I just dealt with numb fingers, arms, and bad neck pain. It ruined my state of mind constantly leaving me in a bad mood.

But I did research and found out that I can control or eliminate some of the pain with lifestyle choices.

Dr. Welches from can share some similar insight, “getting regular exercise, controlling stress and eating healthy foods all work together to reduce inflammation and chronic pain. Research shows that diet should be an integral part of a pain management program — especially as patients age A vegan or Mediterranean diet — or healthier eating inspired by these diets — can control insulin and cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation — which is the pain culprit.”

After I adapted the mindset “Health is Wealth”, the pain levels INSTANTLY got manageable.

If you’re dealing with chronic pain, seriously, try using a holistic approach to your problems.

You might be surprised by the results 😊.

2. Health Is Wealth Because It Can Help You Get Better Sleep

girl pink tank top brown hair laying down in purple bed sleeping good because she has good health, because she believes in health is wealth has some ALARMING stats about sleep:

  • 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder.
  • 37.9% reported unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once in the preceding month.
  • Drowsy driving is responsible for 1,550 fatalities and 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States.
  • 100,000 deaths occur each year in US hospitals due to medical errors and sleep deprivation have been shown to make a significant contribution.



“Yeah, that’s crazy, I wonder what could be the cause?”

Well, has some thought as to why this could be happening, “Gangwisch and colleagues found a link between a higher risk of insomnia and a diet rich in refined carbohydrates. This includes foods with added sugars, soda, white rice, and white bread.”

Yes, I know that there could be other instances of not being able to sleep besides just diet, such as:

  • Just got fired from work
  • Kids are stressing you out
  • Parents are sick
  • Just life

Again, Health is Wealth. Focus on the Mental and Spiritual health side a little bit. Hang out with friends, learn how to meditate, go camping.

You’d be surprised at how well-rested you feel once you start focusing on wellness first.

3. Health Is Wealth Because You Get More Energy

people moving and dancing representing health is wealth because you get more energy when you focus on wellness

Per, “Americans feel sleepy 3 days a week, with impacts on activities, mood & acuity effects are widespread. 40% of adults say feeling sleepy at least occasionally interferes with their daily activities, including nearly 25% who say this happens often or sometimes. 44% of women report at least occasional effects, as do 36% of men.”

That sounds about right. I went years feeling sleepy ALL the time. That was all I talked about.

“I’m so sleepy.”

“Man I could use a nap.”

Countless doctors visits. Prescribed Ambien to help with sleep. After drug-induced sleep sessions(still not waking up refreshed) I downed countless pots of coffee, mixed with energy pills.

I was stumped. I chalked it up for a loss ad decided I’ll just be tired the rest of my life.

Until one day something clicked. I noticed that my coworker was ALWAYS on an 11 out of 10.

“How did he do it?”

“Must be genetics.”

But, once my tunnel vision cleared up I saw the SIMPLE answer…

Good diet! can attest, “Not eating enough, or eating foods that are not nutritious can cause fatigue. If you eat foods that cause spikes in your blood sugar, as soon as those sugar levels drop, you feel fatigued. Eat a balanced diet, complete with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Avoid or limit junk foods high in sugar and fat.”

Years later after fine-tuning my diet, my energy levels have skyrocketed.

I am 10x more productive, I have motivation for life, and more love for others.

Mainly because I took a step back, stopped thinking so hard, and started eating more fruits, veggies, and whole foods.


This is why health is wealth. I got my life back. I’m ready and excited for each and every day every time I wake up…

And you can be too.😊

4. Health Is Wealth Because You Can Become More Productive

three women dressed in blue and white doing multiple tasks showing that if you have good health you can be more productive

In all career fields, the average worker is productive for 60% or less each day. For office workers, however, that percentage drops drastically. Research conducted by Voucher Cloud determined that the average office worker is only productive for two hours and 23 minutes each day, according to

That’s extremely alarming.

Just imagine, you running a business, paying folks by the hour, and knowing they only work less than 3 hours a day.

How would you feel?

You’d probably feel miserable. All of your hard-earned cash going down the drain.

“Hmmm…I wonder if there is one way to get more productivity out of the workers…”

You’re right!

And it’s good health!

Research from the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), however, may have discovered the motivation you need to start working out once and for all. According to HERO, employees who ate healthy meals and exercised on a regular basis had better job performance and lower absenteeism. In fact, employees who ate healthy all day long were 25 percent more likely to have higher job performance, according to

This is a proven example of how finding wealth in health, can also affect the monetary definition of wealth.

Health is Wealth is focusing on being grateful for the awesome mind, body, and soul you have. But it goes to show that there is actually a bleed over to how much money you can make if you stay well.

Long story short, stay healthy and you could make more cash. 😁

5. Health Is Wealth Because It Can Make You Happier

young boy orange shirt blue pants smiling with hands in the air because he is happy.

51% of young Americans say they feel down, depressed or hopeless. A startling 68% say they have little energy; 59% say they have trouble with sleep; 52% find little pleasure in doing things; 49% have a poor appetite or are over-eating; 48% have trouble concentrating; 32% are moving so slowly, or are fidgety to the point that others notice per

That is not good.

You’re supposed to wake up, every day, looking forward to life and what it has to offer, not the opposite.

I get it. Life can get overwhelming.

You have work, then you have to come home and be a good spouse and great parent. On top of that, you have to Skype your parents, showing them you care and love them, even when you had a long day. And when you are done Skyping, you have to get your stuff in order for the next day, but WAIT! There’s a leak in the basement you have to now fix.

You’re done. You need a break. You want to quit.

Overwhelmed and feeling, somewhat lost, with not a clue as to where to turn.


K.I.S.S.(Keep It Simple Silly)

You may just need to strengthen one of your four domains of health(Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual.)

Start with just one, just as states, “Being in good health is the greatest indicator of people’s spiritual, mental, physical well-being, and happiness. … Happiness is achievable when people are in good physical health, which is a function of diet and nutrition, sleep, exercise, and general wholesome (stress-free) living.”

I’m pretty sure you heard the saying, “Money can’t buy happiness.”

Sure, money can solve money problems, but not make you happy day in and day out.

But good health can.

And that is why health is wealth.

6. Health Is Wealth Because It Can Help You Save Money, Especially On Health Care

pink piggy bank standing next to cash and money bag representing that if you apply the health is wealth mentality you can save money

“A simple way to save money on health care is to stay healthy. Of course, that is sometimes easier said than done. But staying at a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and not smoking lowers your risk for health problems. Staying healthy helps you avoid costly tests and treatments for ongoing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

Also, if you stay healthy, you could have even more opportunities to save money, like an HSA below:

Many employers offer an HSA or FSA. These are savings accounts that allow you to set aside pre-tax money for health care expenses. This can help you save several hundred dollars per year. HSAs are owned by you, earn interest, and can be transferred to a new employer. FSAs are owned by your employer, do not earn interest, and must be used within the calendar year.”, according to

Here is an HSA/Traditional healthcare comparison by

health spending plan comparison
health spending plan comparison

So if you stay or get healthy, you have the chance to take advantage of money-saving health plans such as the HSA.

The chart above shows that if you stayed healthy and powered the doctor’s visits, you could possibly save almost $4,000 a year!

To quantify that, using the Dave Ramsey investment calculator:

  • If you invested the $4,000 from ages 21-67, in the S&P 500, with a 10% return, you could have $3,860,378!

If you want to have a few extra bucks or maybe financial independence is your goal, adapt the Health is Wealth mindset, it will only help.

7. Health Is Wealth Because It Can Help You Be Less of A Burden On Your Family

old man standing with n IV being held up by a younger family member. Representing that if you don't adapt the Health is Wealth mindset you could be a burden on your family

Per, more than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend during any given year and spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care for their loved one.

But that’s not all:

  • 78% of adults living in the community and in need of long-term care depend on family and friends as their only source of help.
  • 29% live with their family caregiver
  • 47% of working caregivers indicate an increase in caregiving expenses has caused them to use up ALL or MOST of their savings.
  • 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression with approximately a quarter to half of these caregivers meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression.




I love my family, I love my kids, I love my wife.

My wife works too damn hard.

My kids are too dang young.

They all have their own goals and dreams. They don’t need to be taking care of me if I can help it.

“So what am I going to do to prevent or lower the chances of that happening?

Do what I can control.

Believe in and practice Health is Wealth.

Follow a good diet, meditate, exercise, hang out with friends and family. Whatever I have to do to keep my body young, able and independent.

How Do You Stay Healthy? (3 EASY Ways To Keep You Young, Mobile, and Ready For The World)

young man in yellow tank top smiling and flexing with a red heart showing that he is young and healthy

Overall health is broken down into three categories: Mind, Body, and Soul. The Mind focuses on Mental Health and ways to keep you mentally sharp and resilient. The Body is Physical Health, mainly exercise, and nutrition. The Soul is Social Health and Spiritual Health, using the times we share with our family, friends, and ourselves to recharge our cup. Although, each domain tends to bleed into another, i.e. eating a healthy diet can keep you mentally calm or a good workout can give you a spiritual high.

5 Ways To Keep Your Mind Healthy (Learn To Master Mental Health By Focusing On These SIMPLE Tips)

woman praying or meditating in blue tank top smiling and a brain representing good mental health

1. Well-Balanced Diet

salad with lots of veggies representing the health is wealth way of living, which can give you great mental health

When you stick to a diet of healthy food, you’re setting yourself up for fewer mood fluctuations, an overall happier outlook and an improved ability to focus, Dr. Cora says. Studies have even found that healthy diets can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety, per

So true.

I can’t tell you enough how much a healthy diet has made a positive impact on my life.

Quick Story:

I spent about 10 years trying to find the perfect diet for optimal mind and body performance. I think I finally found it, but before that, I went through some tough times.

I tried Keto, Vegetarian, Vegan, Warrior Diet, 5-2, Carnivore Diet, you name it.

And along with that journey, there we’re some extreme highs and some very dark lows.

But, when I finally found that sweet spot, my mind felt invincible!

And that’s what Health is Wealth is all about.

No more moods swings. Even when I’m tired, hungry, or fully refreshed and had a full belly, I knew how to take a step back from the storm of life, and make the most efficient decision.

“But how did you do that?”

Well, a lot of trial and error. But If I had to narrow it down, these resources helped TREMENDOUSLY. They were literally LIFE CHANGING:

Start there.

If you have those resources above and utilize them…


2. Good Gut Health

cartoon image of the human gut representing if you have good gut health you can have good mental health

How Is The Gut Microbiome Related To Mental Health? Research in animals has shown that changes in the gut microbiome and inflammation in the gut can affect the brain and cause symptoms that look like Parkinson’s disease, autism, anxiety and depression, according to


Imagine for YEARS, you thought you had clinical anxiety, but it was only bad gut health.


Your spouse, the love of your life, was MISDIAGNOSED with Parkinson’s disease, put on YEARS worth of medication, which further destroyed her gut biome, causing other issues such as depression or anxiety…

You watch what you once knew of her, the vibrant, young, and beautiful woman, full of life and joy…now stuck in a chair, miserable, in a terrible mental state.

All because a medical professional, that you trusted, said she needed meds, but all she needed was a diet change and specialized gut health treatment.

The gut is POWERFUL.

It has ALOT of say on what your mind thinks.

Just think…what happens when you get ready to take a test?

Your stomach gets the butterflies(or maybe B.G.s 😨)

Or when someone tells you bad news?

You want to throw up.

It’s not the mind that reacts first, IT’S THE GUT!

So if you want to alter your mental health or mind state, START WITH THE GUT!

“Speaking of starting, where do I even start to understand or improve gut health?”

These are staple’s in my book collection.

As stated previously in this blog, I had some rough mental health times in my life.

But once I got educated on the gut, implemented what I learned on a daily basis, my mental state IMPROVED DRASTICALLY.

My negative thoughts went from a 10 to a 2. I was motivated for life. Stressful situations were a joke to me. I’m telling you…


3. Supplements

green and yellow supplements capsule representing you can take supplements to achieve good mental health

Eating a diet of vitamin B-rich foods, as well as taking daily supplements could improve mental health, may help improve mood, and reduce depression and anxiety in many individuals. Foods like fish, lean pork or beef, poultry, eggs, whole grains, nuts, and milk are high in B vitamins, according to

Yes, with a proper diet you can get the majority of your nutrients, but sometimes you may not. For example…

You just ran a 30 miler, you may need some extra sodium, potassium, magnesium, or B-vitamins.


You have been sleep-deprived because you are stressed to the gills because you have a big project coming up, you may need some GABA or Tryptophan to help you chill out.

Me? I take a gambit of supplements. I eat a fairly healthy diet but I still supplement. I kinda got my own system down. I can alter my mental state to just about whatever I want, most of the time just with supplements.

“Well, what are some supplements that you take, and for what reason?”

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. This content is for entertainment purposes only. Please seek professional advice before partaking in any supplement use.

I take many more supplements, but those are my go-to.

I take those just about every day, and they sometimes make me feel invincible.

No matter if I’m stressed, tired, can’t sleep, whatever. I reach for one or more of those supplements and the majority of the time, I’m good to go.

With that supplement stack above, I feel like I can enter and exit just about any mental state.

So for your mental health’s sake (and just overall Health is Wealth), do yourself a favor and get educated on the power of proper supplementation. 😊

4. Good Sleep

yellow moon with a hat sleeping on a pillow representing if you get good sleep you can get good mental health

Per, “Lack of sleep is linked to a number of unfavorable health consequences including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression. Some psychiatric conditions can cause sleep problems, and sleep disturbances can also exacerbate the symptoms of many mental conditions including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.” has some interesting insight as well, “Sleep is essential – It is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion.”

Just think about it…

The last time you got angry, how much sleep did you get?

Or even, the last time everything just happen to go right in the day, did you notice that you slept like an angel that day?

Sleep can affect your mood and mental state in a MAJOR way.

I know for me, when I used to work a midnight shift, I got very little sleep and was very cranky, ALL THE TIME.

But when I cycled back to days, my sleep schedule got back on track, and I was just a genuinely happier person…how convenient. 😋

“But for those of us who don’t work mids and have trouble sleeping for other reasons, you have any tips?”


Disclaimer: I am not a professional. This content is for entertainment purposes only. Please seek professional advice before partaking in any supplement use.


Sleep Meditation Technique

  • I call it “Say It, See It, Feel It”
    • I didn’t create it, I forgot where I found it but essentially you Say it, See It, Feel It. Here’s an example:
      • Say It – “I am a successful blogger that makes over $100,000 a year blogging.
      • See It – I picture myself blogging at my office desk or picture myself explaining how I became a successful blogger to my friends. I picture the entire scene in detail, from the color of my computer desk down to the socks I am wearing.
      • Feel It – I feel happy, chill, successful. I pretend like I already achieved that goal.
      • Do those three over and over and you will fall right asleep. (BONUS: You might wake up feeling whatever you were feeling while meditating.

My sleep isn’t perfect, but using those tips above has probably allowed me to sleep good 70% of the time…and my mental health is sure reaping the benefits.

5. Exercise

man in pink shorts purple tank top jogging representing that exercise can help with mental health

Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal, per

Studies show that there is approximately a 20% to 30% lower risk of depression and dementia for adults participating in daily physical activity. Physical activity also seems to reduce the likelihood of experiencing cognitive decline in people who do not have dementia, according to


Unfortunately, not a lot of people realize that connection.

Often when one is sad or even depressed, they are kinda lost in the eye of the storm.

You have these negative thoughts, and when you try to make them go away, they come stronger. Which turns into a vicious circle of thoughts and thinking that nothing is ever good and you dread the day, and even tomorrow…


Good did happen…

“But when was it?”

During that 30 minute brisk walk you took with your dog, there was a time during and after that things seemed just a little bit better.

That was exercise affecting your mental state in a positive way!

The levels of chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, stress hormones and endorphins, change when you exercise. Exercise can improve your sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem.”, per

“Awesome! But…I am very busy and don’t have time to work out, you got any tips?”

I sure do! Two SIMPLE steps:

After you master those exercises, you should see an immediate positive change in your mindset.

And before you know it, you will have a mind state ready for anything!

5 Ways To Keep Your Body Healthy (Achieve Optimal Physical Health, Then Maybe Your Dream Body)

woman flexing representing a healthy body

1. Proper Macronutrient Intake

whole foods such as fish, cheese, beef vegetables representing macro nutrients for good physical health

Carbohydrates, fat and protein are called macronutrients. They are the nutrients you use in the largest amounts. “Macronutrients are the nutritive components of food that the body needs for energy and to maintain the body’s structure and systems,” says MD Anderson Wellness Dietitian Lindsey Wohlfor of

If you have any type of physical goal for your body, it is CRUCIAL that you understand what macronutrients are, and how your body best responds to each one.

Let’s say Bodybuilders for example:

They know that before a workout they may need a certain amount of carbs, fat, protein to optimize their performance AND, keep the desired body weight for when it is “stage show time.”

The same goes for runners:

If they have a marathon the next day they might Carbload so they have plenty of fuel to finish the race.


If they are Keto or Fat adapted they may lean towards getting healthy fats and lean protein before the race, such as Sardines or a grass-fed Ribeye steak.

Intaking the right macronutrients at the right time can make or break a goal or physical performance.

“Sounds cool and confusing at the same time. Where do I start? Which ones should I take?

Read below, these resources will help:

Go get it! 😁

I know, it seems overwhelming. But so was writing your name when you were 3 years old.

But once you got a habit and routine down it was nothing!

Master the macronutrient, and your body will bend to your every request. 😁

2. Proper Micronutrient Intake

vitamins and minerals representing micro nutrients and their importance in good physical health

Micronutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs. They include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are necessary for energy production, immune function, blood clotting and other functions. Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth, bone health, fluid balance and several other processes.


All micronutrients are extremely important for the proper functioning of your body. Consuming an adequate amount of the different vitamins and minerals is key to optimal health and may even help fight disease. This is because micronutrients are part of nearly every process in your body, according to

In common terms, they are the overlooked substances that your body craves and you don’t even know.

They are the little/small things that help you be a normal person.

When you are stressed, tired, or frankly about to lose your S!*T, you’re more than likely micronutrient deficient in some way.


The world today isn’t what it used to be, in two ways:

  1. You ain’t a kid anymore.
    • Back in the day, your body was firing on all cylinders. You really didn’t need as many micronutrients as you did today..or..your body was just a whole lot better at masking your micronutrient deficiencies.
  2. The dirt just ain’t the same.
    1. In 1980, you could eat 1 orange and get the full nutritional benefit. Nowadays, you have to eat 8 oranges because today’s soil is so depleted.

“Dang! So what is a person supposed to do to get the proper nutrient intake?”

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. This content is for entertainment purposes only. Please seek professional advice before partaking in any supplement use or diet changes.

Everything you do zaps your energy, as well as your micronutrients:

  • Blue light from cell phones, TVs, and computers.
  • Multitasking.
  • Thinking of retirement.
  • Driving on a stressful road.
  • Parenting.

All of those things zap your micronutrients to the point where you are in a state of depletion, sometimes developing anxiety or depression.

Do yourself a favor. Learn the Health is Wealth mindset. Get educated on what I just discussed above. If you master the appropriate intake for those micronutrients(and amino acids) you will be well ahead of the game…

And life will be so, so much easier. 😉

3. Fiber

green broccoli with a smile representing that fiber keeps your body healthy


“Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot!”

Fiber gets a bad rep. 😁

Don’t worry fiber, is on your side:

“Eating foods that are high in fiber can help relieve some problems with constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Dietary fiber may help lower your cholesterol. It may also help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.”

Powerful stuff, and I can speak it. Once I mastered a daily routine of getting my daily recommended fiber intake, I had the following INSTANT benefits:

  • Weight Maintenance
    • I’m 5’10. I’ve been around 151lbs for about 3 years now, EFFORTLESSLY
  • Less Hunger
  • More Energy
  • Better Mood
  • Better Focus
  • Better Sleep
  • More solid stools 💩

I’m sure there is more. But I’ll tell you that adding more fiber to my diet has made DRASTIC improvements to my physical health.

“Those benefits sound super awesome! Can you guide me in the right direction so that I may too have great physical health results?”

No problem!

Boom done!

Your fiber starter kit is ready to go!

Read the book, eat some fruits and veggies, and your physical health will start to see some awesome positive results. 😊

4. Water

glass of water representing good physical health

Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%, per

“That’s a whole lot!?! Buuuut….so what…why is drinking water important to me?

According to

  • Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids
  • Water can help control calories
  • Water helps energize muscles
  • Water helps keep skin looking good
  • Water helps your kidneys
  • Water helps maintain normal bowel function

“Okay, I’m tracking. So how much do I need to drink each day?”

Generally, an adult male needs about 3 liters (3.2 quarts) per day while an adult female needs about 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts) per day, per

“Where do I even begin to drink that much water!?!”

  • Personal tips
    • Wake up and down 1 liter of water
      • No coffee, tea, juice…just water FIRST
    • Bring a liter of herbal tea around with you throughout the day
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetable
      • They are mostly water
    • If you think you are hungry, DRINK WATER
    • If you are tired, DRINK WATER
    • If you have a craving, DRINK WATER

Once I figured out my water intake, I started seeing a few awesome impacts:

  • Better mood
  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • More focus
  • Can think more clearly
  • Younger looking skin

There are probably a dozen more, but you see the point.

Look…the subject of good physical health can be daunting. You might have a number of issues you’re trying to address such as weight loss, headaches, sleep issues, constipation, you name it.

But don’t overthink it…

Most folks try to solve the equation of the atom bomb before they try the simple things.

So hear these words…

The next time you have a physical health issue/goal you’re trying to address and you’re not having success.


5. Exercise

woman in purple shirt doing pushups representing that exercise is good for physical health

Yep, we’re back again.

Exercise is not just good for the mind…but the body as well…

Here’s a little proof, according to exercise:

  • Controls weight
  • Combats health conditions and diseases
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts energy
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Puts the spark back into your sex life

“Wow, those are some great benefits! But getting in shape is expensive. I don’t have money for an $800 gym membership.”

That’s okay! Below are some great ideas from

  • Walk the dog.
  • Walk with your kids, family, or friends.
  • Do a mall walk in bad weather.
  • Walk to work, or get off the bus or subway early and walk part of the way.
  • Take a walk at lunch or on your work break.
  • Walk to errands and appointments.
  • Join a walking club.

Do you see a common theme there?


Cheap and easy. You can do it anywhere.

All you really need are shoes, and you are good to go!

But if you have joint issues, you might try:

Make sure you read the checkout instructions to make sure it’s returnable. If not, do not purchase. With exercise equipment, you want a trial and error period if possible. I will say though, in my lifetime, Amazon has been phenomenal with returns.

All three options are great if walking or running is just too much impact.

My dad has ankle problems(surgeries) and he swears by some weird machine that my step-mom got years back (unfindable on the internet 😁).

So, if you currently cannot walk or run much, there’s still hope!

“Great, thanks for the tips. But what do you do? How do you stay so darn young, physically fit, gorgeous 😁, while being a super awesome dad, husband, and 9-5 worker?

  • Consistent bedtime
    • 7 days a week, go to bed around 8 pm, wake up around 4 am.
  • Walking
    • One of the easiest and most beneficial exercises. I walk a mile or two before work, and 2-3 miles after work. That can put me at almost 30 miles a week!
  • Movement Snacks
    • Essentially, small exercises throughout the day. For example, I do pushups or squats at the top of every hour during work.

The Health is Wealth mindest takes consistency…

But I can guarantee you if you apply those EASY to implement tips above your physical health will make leaps and bounds, and the next time you visit the doctor’s office your physician will be begging you for wellness tips. 😁

5 Ways To Keep Your Soul Healthy (Understand Social and Spiritual Health, Then You Can Finally Find Completeness)

person with glowing blue aura representing a healthy soul

1. Nature

nature, grey mountain with green trees representing that nature can keep you spiritually healthy

Nature has the ability to be imbued with spiritual power and significance. Forests, lakes, and mountains often invoke a feeling of the divine or inspire a sense of awe. They are a resource that people may use to connect to the sacred and to generate spiritual feelings,


Nature makes me feel amazing.

And I’m not even talking about full green forests with chirping birds and animals(like Snow White nature).

I’m talking about middle-class suburbia’ish neighborhood walks…especially early in the morning.

I tell my wife all the time, “It’s like a timeshare I’m renting out from mother nature.”

It’s dark. Maybe some street lights. The stars are out. I see the occasional bunny or fox that only roams the streets when people are asleep.

I feel the wind touch my face and whisper in my ear.

I can see miles down the street. What is usually a few minutes’ walk in the day seems like it can go on forever.

When I look up, I see the stars and the big beautiful dark blue sky…


It shows that there is so much more to the world than daily stressors such as work tasks, parent duties, unexpected house repairs.

After a brief stroll around the block before the sun rises, my spiritual cup is charged.

Something that simple…

“That is great. But my neighborhood isn’t the most walker-friendly. Do you have any other ideas on how to get that nature fix?


  • Sit on your porch
  • Stand in the rain/snow
  • Lay in your yard
  • Relax next to an open window
  • Go for a nice car ride somewhere isolated
  • Go to a park

“Awesome thank you! I’m feeling this whole Health is Wealth, Spiritual thing and I’m ready to get started…but…I want to stay comfy when I’m in the great outdoors. Got any suggestions for some gear?”

Got you covered 👍:


You’re good to go.

Get yourself some gear, go on a nice nature experience, recharge the soul, then go be an even more awesome person and do great things 😊.

2. Meditation

woman in purple shirt with legs crossed meditating representing great spiritual health

To fully practice Health is Wealth, meditation is a must.

Let’s discuss…

Meditation is thought to work via its effects on the sympathetic nervous system, which increases heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure during times of stress. Yet meditating has a spiritual purpose, too. “True, it will help you lower your blood pressure, but so much more: it can help your creativity, your intuition, your connection with your inner self.“,

I only recently introduced meditation to my life, and now I realize it was the missing ingredient to find success, and maybe a purpose in life.

Specifically, this blogging thing I am doing.

My loose, 10-year goal was to make over $100,000 a year blogging/online business ventures.

Initially, the dopamine was on full blast. I was excited the first few days. I was doing research for hours, learning how to build a website, draft a welcome letter, and how to get Google to notice my website.


The excitement eventually wears off. And sometimes the doubts creep in,” Early Retirement, Health, and Finance blogs are super competitive Charles, you should back out now.”


“You won’t have the time to keep up with blogging and life stuff. Just stop now.”

The struggle is real 😁.

“So what did you do to help those negative thoughts go away? Or how did you refocus and find purpose?”


As soon as I started I had instant results. But after about 30 days of constant practice, it was pretty amazing.

About the month mark, I realized that money was not just the primary objective, but ALSO, to help as many people as possible become financially independent, retire early, and be healthy.

Meditation helped me find, to what I currently believe, my purpose in life.

“I’ve tried to meditate. It’s too difficult. You know anyways to make it easier?”


  • I call it “Say It, See It, Feel It”
    • I didn’t create it, I forgot where I found it but essentially you Say it, See It, Feel It. Here’s an example:
      • Say It – “I am a successful blogger that makes over $100,000 a year blogging.
      • See It – I picture myself blogging at my office desk or picture myself explaining how I became a successful blogger to my friends. I picture the entire scene in detail, from the color of my computer desk down to the socks I am wearing.
      • Feel It – I feel happy, chill, successful. I pretend like I already achieved that goal.
  • Head Space
    • Awesome meditation app for beginners and experts. Just find 5 minutes, some earbuds, and a quiet spot, a watch the stress melt away.

The soul, some say, is something you can’t see, but feel.

It’s kinda like when a god or the universe taps you on the shoulder, and all you feel is happiness or calm, or even temporary purpose.

I know, that sounds hippie-dippie 😊.

But meditation can get you there.

If at times you feel stuck, maybe in a rut or wandering through life without a meaning…

Embrace Health is Wealth, give meditation a try, refill that Spiritual cup a bit…

With consistent practice…

You will find a goal that truly gives you meaning 😊.

3. A Job

three people working at a computer smiling representing that the social aspect of work can fill your soul

When I say a job. I just mean any type of work with a purpose.

Like the example/picture you see above:

Three people getting a social health fix through work. They are smiling, having a good time, accomplishing a task.

For me, that’s where I get my social fix, at my 9-5.

Most of my days after work are just preparing for the next day with exercise or maybe some meal prep.

And I get a Health is Wealth, soul boost from that little social exposure at work.

A job can keep your soul healthy in a spiritual way as well.

A job, for some, can give you life’s purpose.

Take Mother Teresa for example:

Her job was to help people, to serve people. And I’m willing to bet, she could go day in and day out without thinking of what she was doing. She was probably in a state of flow most of the time because she REALLY enjoyed what she was doing.

She had a purpose in life, which gave her a direct spiritual connection with her god.

“Wow, I never thought of it that way. Working on a passion project or brainstorming ideas at work can give my soul a recharge. But…I’m kind of an introvert, and I lack motivation. Got any tips?”


You’re a boss…

You’re the best…

Become even better-est.

Have fun while you’re at work. Do great things, be professional, but have a blast. Complement, congratulate your teammates on the great work they do.

When you go home, keep pursuing your joys.

Go, go, and go until you find work that gives you meaning.

Combine that whenever possible and your soul will forever glow, just like Bruce Lee Roy 🥋.

4. Get-Togethers

family and friend party around a table with food representing the importance of social gatherings and social health

Social gatherings can be two-fold in the Health is Wealth lifestyle: It touches both the Spiritual Health Domain, as well as the Social Health domain. One example, you go to a party, you haven’t seen friends in a while, catch up on good times. And all the while you’re having a blast, time stands still, and you don’t even notice. On your drive back home you reflect and notice that something just feels right…and more than likely…it was the soul that got the much-needed boost it was waiting for. has a relatable statement as well:

“Spirituality can promote close family and friendship bonds and help people cope with physical or emotional pain and other life stressors. It can also offer people a strong sense of community, particularly for those who are part of a spiritual group or community. Regularly gathering with like-minded people can help prevent feelings of isolation, something that many older adults struggle with. Studies show that people who are spiritual generally have a more positive outlook and live happier, more productive lives.”

“I’m SOLD! I want to spend more time with family and friends (but I kinda want to be a homebody too 😁.) You got any suggestions?”


Throwing a BBQ/get-together is one of the best ideas you can do to get a spiritual and social health recharge.

Eventually, you become an expert cook. Then you serve expert tasting food to your closest friends and dearest family members.

They in turn say thank you, have a good time, share compliments about your cooking skills. You in turn say thank you (and secretly inside your glowing with excitement!).

Both parties are happy. Great memories and compliments are being shared. Future goals are being broadcasted and the people closest to you are cheering you on.

And all because of you…


5. Exercise

woman in pink exercise gear doing yoga representing good health for the soul

That’s right, the Health is Wealth powerhouse, exercise, is back again…😁

It also affects the soul. shows a few ways how physical activity quiets the mind and fuels the soul:

  • Improves heart rate variability and physical resilience to stress.
  • Boosts positive endorphins that encourage an optimistic mindset.
  • Supports focus on the present moment, gratitude and appreciation.

I can speak to that.

When I go on runs longer than 10 miles I get a connection to god or the universe, whatever higher power is out there.

During the run, there are plenty of times I want to stop. Maybe because my leg is cramping, my feet hurt, I’m thirsty, or even I’m bored.

Sometimes, I can have 100 or more thoughts telling me to stop…

But I keep going…

I fight through it.

And when I’m done, something happens…

Something just clicks…

I’m usually standing there, outside of my home, and everything is in slow motion.

Something about pushing myself to the limits put me in a space where I just notice and appreciate the things that are right in front of my face, such as the blue sky, the clouds slowly moving, the cool wind hitting my face at the same time as the warm sun.

Things just slow down.

It feels as if the universe is talking to me.

Good stuff…

“Running can do that!? Wow, I want that feeling. Are there any other exercises that can help me reach that state? And if so, is there anything I need that will help me get there?”

Of course!

Check out some tips below:

Some helpful exercise accessories:

  • GPS Watch, Garmin Forerunner
    • A GPS watch is a must for some folks. There’s nothing like seeing your exercise results IMMEDIATELY, setting new goals, breaking milestones. It’s a great way to keep you on track with a Health is Wealth lifestyle.
  • Reflective Vest
    • Essential if you want to take your exercise outside, and if you’re an early bird or night owl.
  • Head Lamp
    • Another essential item for running/walking/exercise in the early morning or night.

Make sure you read the checkout instructions to make sure it’s returnable. If not, do not purchase. With exercise equipment, you want a trial and error period if possible. I will say though, in my lifetime, Amazon has been phenomenal with returns.


You’re set.

If you’re looking for a spiritual high through exercise, use those tips above.

Now go get some good exercise in, and then enjoy the nice, natural, soul-lifting buzz. ☺️

Health Is Wealth FAQ

How Can You Promote Health?

The best way to promote good health is by leading by example. Your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack routine must be positive and it should make others want to mirror it. For instance: Breakfast… free-range eggs and organic blueberries; Lunch… salmon, spinach, and sweet potato; Dinner… grass-fed steak and broccoli; Snacks… almonds, fresh fruit, and vegetables.

How Can I Live A Positive Life?

Get your mind, body, and soul squared away with a healthy resilience routine. In the morning, have a morning mantra that praises your body and mind, thanking them for working properly, then go for a brisk walk. During the day give yourself and others praise for good work, smile for the small things such as sunshine. In the evening while you lay in bed before sleep, recap the day and thank god or the universe for your positive accomplishments.

What Is The Healthiest Eating Lifestyle?

The healthiest eating style is the one you follow, and one that’s good for you. Example: 24/7, 365 (or at least 80% of the time) you eat fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats, free-range chicken eggs, and overall minimally processed foods.

What Are Humans Supposed To Eat Naturally?

Humans are supposed to eat what grows from the earth, what falls from the trees, grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, all while avoiding processed food as much as possible. For optimal food selection, one should experiment with the selection above to find the perfect fuel for your body and mind.

How Do You Stay Healthy In A Pandemic?

In order to stay healthy during a pandemic, you need to excel with the food and exercise situation you currently have access to. Example: Exercise… If you usually run three miles a day and you can’t leave your home, do a mixture of jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks for 30 minutes; Food… If you usually eat fresh whole foods and you only have canned beans and tuna, use spices or sauces to mix up the selection. One may also drink more water and limit calories if your energy expenditure is not as high as usually is.


There was a lot of awesome stuff covered:

  • What Health is Wealth is all about
    • Health is Wealth is where are you are able to be rich without the means of money, but the weight of wealth comes from what percentage your mind, body, and soul are currently operating at.
  • Why Health is Wealth is important
    • It can prevent chronic pain.
    • It can help you get better sleep.
    • It gives you more energy.
    • It helps you become more productive.
    • It can make you happier.
    • It can help you save money on health care.
    • It can help you be less of a burden on your family.
  • Hot to stay healthy
    • Mind
      • Well-Balanced Diet
      • Good Gut Health
      • Supplements
      • Good Sleep
      • Exercise
    • Body
      • Proper Macronutrient Intake
      • Proper Micronutrient Intake
      • Fiber
      • Water
      • Exercise
    • Soul
      • Nature
      • Meditation
      • A Job
      • Get-Togethers
      • Exercise

You can have all the money in the world, be able to buy all the fanciest things, but if you don’t have the health to enjoy them, what’s the purpose?

Begin to find your riches in health, and you will soon find yourself as the wealthiest person alive. 😊

What area of Health is Wealth do you find most important and why?

Do you have any Health is Wealth tips that you could offer us?

We’d love to hear from you. 😊

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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