18 Unique Ways to Make Money with Google ($10K+ Monthly!)

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Want to know how to make money with Google?

Here, we will show you 18 cool ways to make some cash flow with Google, including getting paid from Google Play Books, Google Maps, and more.

Enjoy the easy read!

Make Money with Google Quick Picks

Navigating the vast landscape of Google’s money-making opportunities can be quite a challenge. To simplify your quest, here are my top picks:

  • Coolest: Google Digital Garage
  • Most Profitable: Google Cloud Consulting
  • Easiest: Google Shopping

How to Make Money with Google (18 Cool Ways)


“To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep.”

– David Bailey

Google AdSense

Estimated Income: Varies widely; some users make thousands of dollars per month

Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows you to monetize your website or blog by displaying targeted ads next to your content. You earn money when users engage with these ads by viewing them or clicking on them. For example, Problogger shares how they’ve used Google AdSense as one of their income streams for their blogging business.

It’s a simple and effective way to generate revenue from your online content, especially if you have a high-traffic website. The amount you can earn varies based on factors like the number of visitors to your site and the industry your content focuses on. To start, you must sign up for an AdSense account, set up your ad preferences, and then add the AdSense code to your website.

Google Opinion Rewards

Estimated Income: Up to $1 per survey

Google Opinion Rewards is a program that pays you to complete short surveys on your smartphone. These surveys are often based on places you’ve visited or products you’ve used, and each one typically pays up to $1 in Play Store credits. You can use these credits to purchase apps, games, movies, and more in the Play Store.

For example, the folks at Android Authority share their experience using Google Opinion Rewards and offer tips on how to maximize your earnings. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices. It’s a great way to earn a little extra money in your spare time and requires very little effort.

Google Play Store

Estimated Income: Varies; some developers earn thousands to millions of dollars

For the tech-savvy among us, creating and selling apps on the Google Play Store can be a lucrative way to make money with Google. There’s a market for all kinds of apps, from games to productivity tools, and if you have a unique idea or solution, you could make a significant income.

Take the example of Dong Nguyen, the developer of the popular game Flappy Bird. At the height of its popularity, the game was making $50,000 a day in ad revenue. To start earning money from your app, you must sign up for a Google Play Developer account, create your app, set a price and publish it on the Play Store.

Google Play Books

Estimated Income: Up to 70% of the list price for each book sold

If you’re an author looking for a platform to publish your ebooks, Google Play Books could be a great option. You can set your prices and earn up to 70% of the list price for each book sold.

For example, author Mark Dawson reportedly earns thousands of dollars monthly selling his self-published novels on platforms like Google Play Books. You can find out more about how to publish your book on Google Play Books at their official website.


Estimated Income: Varies. Top YouTubers earn millions of dollars per year

YouTube, which Google owns, is another platform that can be used to make money. You can earn money through ad revenue, channel memberships, the merchandise shelf, Super Chat, and YouTube Premium revenue.

Take the example of PewDiePie, one of the most successful YouTubers who reportedly earned $13 million in 2019 alone. However, making money on YouTube requires creating engaging video content and building a large subscriber base. If you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel, check out this guide from Vlogger Pro.

Google Search

Estimated Income: $12-$15 per hour

One unique way to make money with Google is by becoming a search engine evaluator. Companies like Appen and Lionbridge pay people to evaluate search results to ensure they’re relevant and high-quality. This role involves analyzing and providing feedback on text, web pages, images, and other types of information for Google’s search engine.

For instance, you might be asked to assess whether a search result is useful and accurate based on the search query. It’s an interesting role that offers flexible work hours and lets you earn money from home. The pay can vary but typically ranges from $12 to $15 per hour.

Google Workspace Reseller

Estimated Income: Varies, dependent on the number of clients and the size of their businesses

If you’re familiar with Google’s suite of productivity tools (like Gmail, Docs, Drive, and Calendar), you could consider becoming a Google Workspace Reseller. In this role, you’d sell Google Workspace to businesses, helping them improve their productivity and collaboration.

Your income as a reseller would depend on the number of clients you have and the size of their businesses. For example, if you could sell Google Workspace to a company with 100 employees, you could earn a significant commission. Plus, as a reseller, you’d also provide ongoing client support, allowing you to build long-term relationships and potentially earn recurring revenue.

Google Ads

Estimated Income: $1,000 – $20,000+ per month

Mastering Google Ads can open up another avenue for earning money. Once you’ve learned the ins and outs of this advertising platform, you can offer your services as a consultant to businesses. Many companies are willing to pay for expert help in creating and managing their Google Ads campaigns.

For instance, you could help a local restaurant set up a Google Ads campaign to attract more customers or assist an e-commerce store in optimizing its ads to increase sales. According to Glassdoor, Google Ads consultants can earn anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000+ per month, depending on their experience and the size of their client’s business.


“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”

– Brian Clark

Estimated Income: Varies greatly; some bloggers earn several thousand dollars per month

Blogger, owned by Google, is a free blogging platform that you can use to start your blog, grow your audience, and make money through various methods such as ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, etc. For example, the popular finance blog Minting Cash started on Blogger and has since grown into a profitable online business.

While starting a blog requires time and effort, it can be rewarding to share your knowledge and experiences with the world. Plus, with various monetization strategies available, it can also become a significant source of income.


Estimated Income: Varies based on ad impressions and clicks

AdMob is Google’s mobile advertising platform specifically designed for app developers. With AdMob, you can monetize your app through in-app advertising. Ads can be displayed as banners, interstitials, videos, or native ads—seamlessly added to platform native UI components. On average, an app developer can earn between $0.01 and $0.05 per ad view, but this can vary depending on the quality of the user interaction and the user’s geographic location. For more information on integrating AdMob into your app, visit the AdMob website.

Google Careers

Estimated Income: Depends on the job role and experience

If you’re interested in technology and digital innovation, a career at Google could be lucrative. Google offers various roles, from software engineering to product management sales and customer support. Salaries at Google vary greatly depending on the role, but the median salary is reported to be around $116,000 per year. Plus, there are plenty of benefits and perks that come with working for such a prestigious tech company. You can explore job opportunities on the Google Careers page.

Google Cloud

Estimated Income: Varies based on the services offered

As a tech expert, you can offer your services to businesses needing assistance setting up and maintaining their Google Cloud infrastructure. As a Google Cloud consultant, you can earn anywhere from $70 – $200 per hour based on your expertise and the project’s complexity. You can also become a Google Cloud Partner, offering businesses cloud consulting, service, and training. Learn more about Google Cloud services and become a partner on the Google Cloud website.

Google Analytics Consulting

Estimated Income: $50 – $200 per hour

Many businesses struggle to understand their website data. As a Google Analytics expert, you can help these businesses understand their audience better, make data-driven decisions, and increase ROI. Typical consulting rates for Google Analytics experts range from $50 to $200 per hour, depending on experience and the project scope. You can start by getting certified in Google Analytics through the free Google Analytics Academy.

Google Shopping

Estimated Income: Varies based on sales

If you sell physical products, listing them on Google Shopping can significantly increase your reach and sales. Google Shopping allows businesses to list their products in searches, making it easier for potential customers to find what they want. Your income from Google Shopping greatly depends on your product, pricing, and the competition in your niche. To get started with Google Shopping, visit the Google Merchant Center.

Google Digital Garage

Estimated Income: Varies

The Google Digital Garage is a free online platform where you can learn digital marketing skills and earn an accredited certification from Google. This can be an excellent stepping stone to finding jobs or securing freelance gigs in the digital marketing field. The skills you acquire here can also be used to promote your own business or blog if you have one.

For instance, you could use your digital marketing knowledge to help businesses optimize their online presence, improve search engine rankings, or run effective digital ad campaigns. As a freelancer, you can find potential clients on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Depending on the scope of the project and your level of expertise, you could earn anywhere from $20 to $100 per hour or more.

Google Sites

Estimated Income: $50 – $200 per template

Google Sites allows you to design and sell website templates. If you’re skilled in web design, this can be a lucrative way to make money. Businesses and individuals often look for custom website templates that they can use to create their websites.

For example, you could create niche-specific templates (e.g., for restaurants, online stores, personal blogs, etc.) and sell them on marketplaces like ThemeForest or TemplateMonster. Depending on the quality and complexity of your designs, you could price your templates anywhere from $50 to $200 each.

Google Maps

Estimated Income: Varies

Google Maps is more than just a tool for navigation. It can also be used to earn money. For instance, if you’re a local guide who frequently reviews and rates places on Google Maps, you may get perks like early access to Google features and special badges. While you don’t directly earn money as a local guide, it can lead to other opportunities.

One such opportunity is becoming a Google Street View Trusted photographer. Trusted photographers are hired by businesses to create virtual tours of their establishments using 360-degree imagery. You can charge businesses for this service, and rates may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. You need a 360-degree camera and sign up through the Google Street View app to get started.

Google Translate

Estimated Income: Varies

Google Translate isn’t typically used as a direct source of income, but it can certainly aid in income-generating activities. For example, suppose you’re proficient in more than one language. In that case, you can use Google Translate to assist you in providing translation services.

You could offer these services on freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Rates for translation services can vary widely based on the languages involved, the complexity of the text, and your level of expertise. You could also use Google Translate to expand your customer base by offering your existing services in different languages.

How to Make Money with Google FAQ

How can I earn money with Google?

Google offers several ways for website owners to earn money, primarily through the Google AdSense program. By placing ads on your site, you can earn revenue when users interact with these ads. AdSense matches ads to your site based on your content, effectively turning your website into a platform for advertisers to promote their products and services. The more traffic to your website, the higher the potential for earnings.

How do I make $100 per day with Google AdSense?

To start making money with Google AdSense and potentially earn up to $100 daily, you must create high-quality content that draws traffic to your site. Once you have an established website and apply for an AdSense account, you can place ads on your site. These could be display ads, video ads, or native ads. Your AdSense earnings will depend on the clicks and impressions these ads receive from your website visitors.

How can a beginner make money online?

As a beginner, you can make money online by starting a blog or a website and driving organic traffic. You can use AdSense to display ads across your site. Each click or impression on these ads generates revenue. Besides, Google Opinion Rewards pays for completing surveys, and Google News allows publishers to earn money from their content. It’s a simple way to earn money online.

How much can I earn from Google?

The amount you can earn from Google varies greatly and depends on factors such as your site’s traffic, the type of ad displayed, and how engaging the ads are for your audience. While some publishers have reported AdSense earnings in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars per day, most publishers should expect to see more modest results, especially when they’re just starting with the AdSense program.

How much do Google Surveys pay?

Google Opinion Rewards pays users in Google Play or PayPal credit for each survey they complete. The amount paid per survey can vary, but it’s typically a small sum. This can be a fun and easy way to earn extra money or credit that you can use within the Google ecosystem.

What is Google Pay?

Google Pay is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google. It allows users to pay with Android phones, tablets, or watches in-store and online. Google Pay also facilitates peer-to-peer payments between individuals.

What is Alphabet’s revenue breakdown?

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, generates most of its revenue through advertising on Google sites and apps. Other significant sources of income include Google Cloud, YouTube ads, and hardware like Google Nest and Google Pixel. Alphabet also earns revenue from various other bets, which include businesses such as Waymo, Verily, and Calico.

What is Google’s business model?

Google’s primary business model revolves around advertising. Through its AdSense program, Google displays relevant ads on its partners’ search engine results pages and websites. Advertisers bid to display their ads, allowing Google to earn revenue. Google also makes money through other channels like Google Cloud, Google Play Store, and hardware sales.

Should I Use Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is an online advertising platform that allows publishers to earn money by running website ads. It’s a free program that matches ads to your site based on your content, providing a potentially lucrative way to monetize online content. As a publisher, you can customize the look and feel of these ads to match your website, with options for in-feed ads, in-article ads, and even sticky ads. The ad formats are diverse, including text and engaging ads from the Google Display Network. You can also use Google AdSense’s auto ads feature, which uses AI to optimize ad placement for higher engagement.

However, it’s important to adhere strictly to AdSense program policies. One major rule is that you should never click on your ads – doing so can lead to your Google AdSense account being suspended. AdSense support can help guide you through these rules and provide assistance if you run into problems. The amount of money you can make varies depending on your website’s traffic and the advertisers who want to promote their products on your site. In terms of payment, Google AdSense pays its publishers per-click, meaning you earn money each time a visitor clicks on an ad.

Despite the income potential, there are some drawbacks to using Google AdSense. Some critics argue that AdSense ads can make a website look “cheap” and can dilute brand value. There’s also the challenge of getting accepted into AdSense, as Google maintains stringent quality standards for its publishers. Additionally, while you can earn more money with high traffic, the payout per click is often less than that of other advertising platforms. Therefore, while Google AdSense offers a way to earn from online content, whether or not it’s the best choice depends on factors like your website’s traffic, your brand image, and your willingness to comply with AdSense’s policies.

How to Make Money with Google Conclusion

Understanding how to make money with Google can pave the way for diverse income streams. From leveraging Google’s AdSense program to monetize website traffic, offering your services as a Google Street View Trusted photographer, or using Google Translate to provide translation services, Google offers numerous avenues to increase your earnings. Additionally, Google Opinion Rewards and Google News present other unique opportunities. Keep in mind, however, that your potential earnings vastly depend on factors like your website traffic, the types of ads displayed, and your audience’s engagement. You can maximize your income potential with Google by exploring these options and possibly combining several of them.

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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