Get Paid To Get Tattoos On Your Body (Make 5K+ Easy, Now) | Wildchildretire

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Have you ever wondered if you could get paid to get tattoos on your body?

If so, you should definitely check out this post because we go in-depth on what it means to be a human billboard, how to get paid, and some of the history of skinvertising.

There are so many ways, including creating an Onlyfans account, going to local competitions, and much more.

So check out the helpful read below so you can start making fast cash!

Wildchildretire “Get Paid For Tattoos” Quick Picks

  • Best For Highest Potential Payments – Onlyfans
  • Best For A Quick $5,000 – Challenge
  • Best For Long Term Payments – Blog

So What Exactly Is Skinvertising?

In short, Skinvertising (tattoo advertising or skin advertising) is a form of body modification where people get paid to get a certain kind of tattoo. These tattoos can be anything from a company logo to product slogans. The idea is that by having these tattoos visible on their bodies, they are effectively advertising the products or brands that they are representing.

How Can I Make Money With Tattoos? (12 Easy and Best Ways)

person getting a tattoo representing how you can get paid to get tattoos on your body

1. Blog

word blog

Start your own blog! It’s a great way to get paid to get tattoos! You can write articles about how to get tattoos, how to clean them, and much more. You can also sell your designs on your body as digital products on Etsy.

Some folks like Michelle Schroeder-Gardner on making Sense of Cents make over $1,500,000 a year blogging, so that means you can too!

And if you use Bluehost, you can get started for just $2.95 a month.

So what are you waiting for?

Start your blog today!

2. Social Media

social media buttons representing how you can get paid to get tattoos on your body

Social media was a 50 billion dollar industry in 2021, so there’s plenty of money to go around! And get this: you can get paid to get tattoos on your body!

That’s right; there are now companies that will pay you to get tattoos. And not just any tattoos, but ones strategically placed and designed to be seen by others.

So how does it work?

Simply put, you get paid to get tattoos that others will see on social media. The more people see your tattoos, the more money you can make!

There are a few different ways to get paid for your tattoos. One way is to simply get paid per tattoo. Another way is to get paid based on the number of followers you have on social media. And yet another way is to get paid based on the amount of engagement you get on your posts.

So if you want to make some extra money, don’t mind getting a few tattoos, and eventually get to a point where you have enough money to do as you please, this might be the perfect opportunity!

3. eBay

ebay sign

eBay has been a tried and trustworthy place to make money as a human billboard. You can get paid to get tattoos and then show them off to the world on eBay. This is a great way to make extra cash and get amazing tattoos!

You must keep a few things in mind when getting paid to get tattoos on eBay. 

First, ensure you are comfortable with the professional tattoo artist you choose (especially if this is your first tattoo). You should get to know them and their work before you make a tattoo appointment and commit to anything.

Second, it’s a good idea to make sure that the tattoo is something you are ok with showing off. You don’t want to get a tattoo that you will have for the rest of your life, and you might regret it later.

Finally, ensure it’s a good deal and that you are ok with the price. You don’t want to get ripped off, but you also don’t want to lowball yourself.

Oh, if you don’t believe me. Check out Kari Smith; she made over $10,000 getting a tattoo on her forehead from casinos.

4. Craigslist

Ahh yes. The oh-so trustful business place of Craigslist. Similar to eBay, you can get money for getting tattoos on Craigslist. In addition, you can find willing tattoo artists looking for human canvases by browsing the “gigs” section.

The best part is that you can get paid to get tattoos of whatever you want! So if you’ve ever wanted a tattoo but were too scared of the pain or permanent decision, get paid to get it done on Craigslist! You can always change your mind later and get it removed.

5. Local Tattoo Competitions

This is one of the cooler options available to get paid to get tattoos. You can make extra money simply by being a human canvass! And if you’re really good, you could even get a prize. Most competitions will either pay you a flat fee or split the money if you and the tattoo artists win.

So if you’re considering getting a tattoo, why not get paid for it too?

6. Charity Event

What if you could get paid to get tattoos at a charity event? That’s right, get paid!

Here’s how it works: Local businesses and organizations donate money to the charity of your choice in exchange for you getting a tattoo at their event. The tattoo can be anything related to charity, such as their logo, name, or a design that represents their cause.

Not only will you be helping out a good cause, but you’ll also get some extra cash to get tattoos! So if you’re looking for a way to make extra money and help a charity, this is one of the best places you can try.

7. Onlyfans

The highest paid person in 2022 on Onlyfans made $20,000,000 a month! I know it has a stigma for being only adult material focused, but it’s not the only way you can make money. For example, getting paid to get tattoos is a viable way of earning an income!

If you’re unfamiliar, Onlyfans is a social media platform that allows creators to get paid for their content. This can be through subscriptions, tips, or even pay-per-view. And it’s not just for NSFW content; there are plenty of fitness, cooking, and even comedy Onlyfans.

How does getting paid to get tattoos to work? There are a few ways. The most common is through donations. Your fans can donate money to you, which you can use to get tattoos. You can also make some extra income by getting tattoos live. This means you can get your own in-hone tattoo studio setup, and your fans can watch you get tattoos on the part of your body in real-time, and one of the best things for them is that they can even pay to have a say in what type of tattoo you get next!

Such an interesting way to make some extra cash and accumulate wealth.

8. Fiverr

Similar to Ebay and Craigslist, Fiverr is a marketplace where people can buy and sell services. People offer their services, or “gigs” as they’re called on the site, for a starting price of $5. Services can be anything from designing a logo to singing happy birthday to someone.

One possible gig on Fiverr is getting paid to get tattoos. That’s right, people might be willing to pay others to get tattoos! You never know until you try!

9. Local Auction

bidding hands auction representing how you can get paid to get tattoos on your body

I know it sounds silly, but hear me out. A portion of your body can be auctioned off at an auction, in exchange for cash. That’s right, money in the bank! Just for getting a simple ad tattoo. is a great place to get started. Check it out and see for yourself. People are willing to pay good money for ad space on your body.

There are two things you should know before going this route:

  1. The payments are up to a random stranger. That means you could get as little as $1.
  2. If you want some activity during the auction, have a mole in the audience. Someone who is going to test the crowd and drive the prices up by acting as competition.

Now go make some money!

10. Become A Tattoo Model

tattoo hands representing how you can get paid to get tattoos on your body

Tattoo models are a great way to make money and get paid to get tattoos. One of the best sites to get hired at is The average pay for a tattoo model is $79,000 a year. So if you want some cash money to get tattoos, this is the perfect way to do it!

Not only will you get paid to get tattoos, but you will also get to show off your beautiful tattoo designs to the world in various tattoo magazines. So if you have always wanted to get a tattoo but never had the guts to do it, this is the perfect opportunity!

11. In Person or Social Media Challenge

If you want fast and easy money, this is a way to do it. You can get paid to get tattoos by simply setting up a challenge. For example, you can tell people that you will get a tattoo of their choice if they give you $100. And if you utilize one of the social media platforms like Youtube to get a new tattoo, I’m sure the pool of dedicated participants would be 10x compared to an in-person challenge.

This is a great way to get paid because not only do you get the money, but you also get a tattoo that you may not have gotten otherwise. And, let’s be honest, tattoos are pretty popular these days, so there’s a good chance that you’ll find people who are willing to take you up on your offer.

Plus, if you’re alreaady interested in geting some ink, why not earn some extra income! So, if you’re looking for a way to raise money fast, or maybe just find a quick job that pays under the table, this is definitely something to consider.

12. Political Campaign

Last but not least, the political campaign. You can make money by getting tattoos for a political campaign! This is a great way to show your support for a candidate or party and earn money simultaneously.

To find a political party representative, try searching for a linked hashtag, advertising on TikTok, or going to and finding a political campaign representative. Once you get in touch with someone, they should be able to tell you what the requirements are and how to get started.

One notable example is Eric Hartsburg, who did this in 2012 during the Mitt Romney campaign. So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra money and show your support for a political candidate, getting paid to get tattoos is definitely an option!

History of Human Billboards

Andrew Fischer

In 2005, he advertised his forehead on eBay as a temporary tattoo.

Terry Gardner

She was paid to display a one-day tattoo in an Air New Zealand commercial, and she had her hair cut for the occasion. “Need A Change? Head Down To New Zealand” was the message below her photo. She was given a free round-trip ticket to New Zealand as well as $777 in cash.

Kari Smith

Kari Smith sold her forehead on eBay for $10,000 in advertising space. gave her $10,000 to permanently tattoo “” on her forehead before the auction ended.

Jim Nelson

Jim Nelson is generally credited as being the first person to be paid for having a permanent tattoo for commercial purposes when in 2003, he sold the space on the back of his head to a hosting web service for $7,000 in cash.

Bernard Hopkins

In September 2001, a leading internet casino paid Bernard Hopkins $100,000 to have a temporary tattoo on his back during one of his fights. This made him one of the first pro athletes to get compensation for being a human billboard.


How can I get a free tattoo?

You can get free tattoos by being a human canvas for a tattoo artist. It’s one of the most interesting things you can do that doesn’t cost you money.

How much is a forehead tattoo?

Forehead tattoos can range in price depending on the size and complexity of the design. However, they typically start at $50 and go up from there.

How much do tattoo models get paid?

Tattoo models can get paid anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the project. Some make up to $80,000 a year.

Can you get a brand tattooed on you?

Yes, people get brand logos tattooed on them all the time. However, if this is your first time, it is essential to make sure that you trust the artist before getting inked.

Do companies pay you to tattoo their logo?

In some cases, yes! Companies out there are willing to pay people to get tattoos of their logo or product. This is usually done as a form of marketing, as the person with the tattoo is effectively walking around with a mobile advertisement for the company gaining extra attention from various media outlets.


So what are you waiting for? Get started now and make some extra cash. And if you’re ever feeling adventurous, why not enter one of the many tattoo competitions out there – you could easily walk away with a few thousand dollars in prize money. Maybe your next body art masterpiece will be your ticket to financial freedom!

Which way will you get paid for tattoos?

Will you start a blog with Bluehost and get paid to share your knowledge?

Or will you enter a cool tattoo competition?

Meet the Author

Hello! I'm Charles. 1st gen millionaire, real estate investor, health enthusiast, and military veteran. In the last 17 years, I have managed billions of dollars of resources for the Department of Defense. Created financial management plans that enabled fellow service members to get out of thousands of dollars in debt and tailored wellness plans that helped people reverse and eliminate high-blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and obesity. Learn more about me here.

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